It's been ages since i last updated. Sorry. Or not, depending on if you read this. Either way, it's been ages.
My mum is a germ-a-phobe. She thinks germs are the worst thing in the world, and is always cleaning to win the fight against germs. When i was little, most other mums were teaching their kids spelling, and reading and shit like that, my mum was teaching me life skills. She taught me that germs LOVE toilets, and toilet seats are a breeding ground for germs. And how to avoid these dangerfields was to wee standing up. She taught me this skill, and i still wee standing up. I'm not ashamed of it. HOWEVER, i've pointed out in quite a few blogs how i'm having a hard time at work, still am, BUT, there's something that makes me smile at work. While i'm weeing, standing up, if i bend over, and peer, upside down, through my legs, the toilet bowl looks like a manta ray.

It makes me giggle every time.
Hope everyone's christmas went well. I went swimming again.I enjoy it, it's fun, it's bloody cold, but it's good fun. Wanna see??? Might not look cold, but mark my words, it was. No laughing at my sexy all in one swimsuit......

Can you spot me??


Slightly jealous now, aren't you?

I'm a picture of christmas cheer here, no?

And even when i'm freezing cold, i can still have a fight with my mum. Bless.
So, January is going. Guess where i'm going on the 29th? You'll never guess..... To see east 17. The inner 13 year old girl in me is over the fucking moon at this. I am serious, and i can't wait.
Oh yes, don't pretend you're not jealous.
I had a fight with my bitch boss. I told her i think she picks on me. She didn't much like hearing it, but it's said now. All i'm saying is, it might be for the best, and 2009 might bring some changes. That's all i'm saying for now....
Not to harp on, but don't forget the calender the uk sg's did for breast cancer awareness. Check my last blog if you don't know what i'm talking about. It's gorgeous. Leilani did a smashing job, look how good she made me look

So go buy one, or seven.
I'm done now. This was meant to be a small, checking in, to say i'm still alive blog, and it's bloody massive. I'm off to watch big brother now..... I'm sure you'll understand.
My mum is a germ-a-phobe. She thinks germs are the worst thing in the world, and is always cleaning to win the fight against germs. When i was little, most other mums were teaching their kids spelling, and reading and shit like that, my mum was teaching me life skills. She taught me that germs LOVE toilets, and toilet seats are a breeding ground for germs. And how to avoid these dangerfields was to wee standing up. She taught me this skill, and i still wee standing up. I'm not ashamed of it. HOWEVER, i've pointed out in quite a few blogs how i'm having a hard time at work, still am, BUT, there's something that makes me smile at work. While i'm weeing, standing up, if i bend over, and peer, upside down, through my legs, the toilet bowl looks like a manta ray.

It makes me giggle every time.
Hope everyone's christmas went well. I went swimming again.I enjoy it, it's fun, it's bloody cold, but it's good fun. Wanna see??? Might not look cold, but mark my words, it was. No laughing at my sexy all in one swimsuit......

Can you spot me??


Slightly jealous now, aren't you?

I'm a picture of christmas cheer here, no?

And even when i'm freezing cold, i can still have a fight with my mum. Bless.
So, January is going. Guess where i'm going on the 29th? You'll never guess..... To see east 17. The inner 13 year old girl in me is over the fucking moon at this. I am serious, and i can't wait.
Oh yes, don't pretend you're not jealous.
I had a fight with my bitch boss. I told her i think she picks on me. She didn't much like hearing it, but it's said now. All i'm saying is, it might be for the best, and 2009 might bring some changes. That's all i'm saying for now....
Not to harp on, but don't forget the calender the uk sg's did for breast cancer awareness. Check my last blog if you don't know what i'm talking about. It's gorgeous. Leilani did a smashing job, look how good she made me look

So go buy one, or seven.
I'm done now. This was meant to be a small, checking in, to say i'm still alive blog, and it's bloody massive. I'm off to watch big brother now..... I'm sure you'll understand.

How you doing? when you next over here?