It's only 10 days into the year, and i already know this year is gonna be all sorts of awesome. I can feel it in my waters.
Even though i guess, technically so far it hasn't been so good, i just know good things are only around the corner, i can even taste it. This isn't just wishfulness and fake positivity. This is a feeling in my stomach. It's not something i can even describe all that well, but i know that finally things are gonna go my way. And i don't even know how, but it's really fucking exciting all the same.
Work isn't going so good. Well, that's not strictly speaking true. My boss and me aren't going so good. She's not a very pleasant woman at the best of times, has no social skills, and dislikes me. Both of us are usually ok with that, but lately she just pushes me. And everyone sees it, and everyone has an opinion on it. And if nobody else noticed it, perhaps i'd just assume i was imagining things. But it's the fact that every day people offer me their advice and tell me how unfair the whole thing is. Thing is, i didn't realise it was as bad as people are making it out to be. It's like, i'm very good at my job, real capable, and she's testing my capabilities. That 's all well and good, if there's an end point. Or recognition for passing her little tests. There isn't. It's just getting worse. And my positivity pisses her off even more.
I took today off work to study. My exams start Saturday. I was proper panicing. I didn't think i had nearly enough work done, until i sat down and did last Septembers exam paper. If i sat that exam this morning, i'd have got 77%, which is actually quite good considering that was before my cramming. So i'm facing into this exam all positive. Which is a nice feeling.
And i have a crush. It just sort of happened.
I'm loving this year so far.
EDIT:My set was rejected, i LOVE this set, so check it out here
I had fun shooting it, and i think it's a goofy set, so if you like it, make sure you say so. I'll know....

Even though i guess, technically so far it hasn't been so good, i just know good things are only around the corner, i can even taste it. This isn't just wishfulness and fake positivity. This is a feeling in my stomach. It's not something i can even describe all that well, but i know that finally things are gonna go my way. And i don't even know how, but it's really fucking exciting all the same.
Work isn't going so good. Well, that's not strictly speaking true. My boss and me aren't going so good. She's not a very pleasant woman at the best of times, has no social skills, and dislikes me. Both of us are usually ok with that, but lately she just pushes me. And everyone sees it, and everyone has an opinion on it. And if nobody else noticed it, perhaps i'd just assume i was imagining things. But it's the fact that every day people offer me their advice and tell me how unfair the whole thing is. Thing is, i didn't realise it was as bad as people are making it out to be. It's like, i'm very good at my job, real capable, and she's testing my capabilities. That 's all well and good, if there's an end point. Or recognition for passing her little tests. There isn't. It's just getting worse. And my positivity pisses her off even more.

I took today off work to study. My exams start Saturday. I was proper panicing. I didn't think i had nearly enough work done, until i sat down and did last Septembers exam paper. If i sat that exam this morning, i'd have got 77%, which is actually quite good considering that was before my cramming. So i'm facing into this exam all positive. Which is a nice feeling.
And i have a crush. It just sort of happened.
I'm loving this year so far.
EDIT:My set was rejected, i LOVE this set, so check it out here
I had fun shooting it, and i think it's a goofy set, so if you like it, make sure you say so. I'll know....

You're very sweet to say such lovely things
Anyway, yes! Another time most certainly! We should get on that plan soon. I'll catch you online when I next see you. In the meantime I'll try and think of some pestering tactics.
Did you get horribly drunk last night? Annoy many strangers? I hope you had one or two for me (drinks not strangers mind, but whatever makes you happy
Surely you've earned a short break from study? C'mon! You can't work all the time! I'm starting to think you're a closet workaholic... All that Catholic guilt I'm sure
3 in one night!? See! I told you that you were a catch. I have very good taste you know. You should listen to me.
I'll be impressed if the randoms know much about Irish silver. Those are the kind of randoms I need to meet too! I bought 2 more Irish shineys this week, which means I've got quite the little collection at the moment. Oh, and strangely, I bought a very pretty book which I didn't even know existed on the same subject. It's only a bit shiny, but it does have a hardback. I like it.
I'm a closet workaholic too. Last night, yes let's remind ourselves here- Saturday night, I could be found on the computer uploading pictures of shiny stuff to ebay. Oh the glamour!