1. I adore
Moira, i think she's a wicked lady, but when she tagged me to do this, it struck fear in my heart. The original idea for re-running the 20 facts thing came about in the SG Atheneum group, which (as far as i can gather) is a group for "smart" sg's. Not in a cliquey, elitest way. But when i found this site first, the girls on here were beautiful, AND intelligent, and that made it stand out for me. Hot, empowered, smart women, and that's what being an sg meant to me. That, it's fair to say, is not so much the case anymore. Not saying anything about the site, cuz i do still love this site, but it's not what it was. That's not to say it's better or worse, but it IS different. And that group, it's a great group, but i feel like a fraud being in it. I'm not smart. I'm not strong. And why anyone would want to know 20 facts about me, or any fact for that matter, baffles me.
2. For some reason though, when i'm feeling a bit down on myself, as happens a lot, i can't QUITE explain why, but i have 2 freckles on my right wrist, and they cheer me up, just looking at them. I don't know how, or why. But they do. I used to hate my freckles. But those 2 make me smile.
3. When i'm sad i eat nothing but buttery pasta. I'm sure that can't be good for me, but...
4. I currently have oil on my face. I'm doing a car maintenance class, and tonight we took apart an engine, and i didn't do much, but i still got oil all over me. I have a knack. If there's something to spill, or fall over, i will. I like my clumse though.
5. I mark my blogs for everyone to see, i don't know why. But i do, and "real life" people read them too. Which doesn't weird me out. I guess so many people have left the site, and some of them still check in every now and then, so i mark them for all and sundry to see.
6. I like bum rubs.
7. I sometimes take a hot water bottle to the cinema with me, but i don't like being cold. Stands to reason, no?
8. I'm 20, but some people insist on saying i'm 26.
9. Sometimes i brush my teeth so hard i vomit. And i brush my teeth in the shower, so when i vom, it usually ends up landing on my feet. And i get nose bleeds a lot, particularly in the shower, So, i'm often to be found in the shower, blood dripping down my face, and vomit in between my toes. Lovely.
almostfamous reckons that my nose bleeds are a sign, They seem to happen more when i'm around people, particularly boys. And more so boys that are trouble. He always says to beware if i'm with a boy and i get a nose bleed, cuz it means they're not a good un. And he's been pretty on the ball so far.
10. I had my first "first date" in 5 years recently. I brought a book, in case he didn't show. He found this funny.
11. I've met some wonderful people through this site, but one in particular. I've pretty much kept all this out of my blog, but there's someone on here who brightens up each and every day. We talk pretty much every day, and he's really just the most amazing person. I wish he lived closer to me, but he doesn't, and it's a shame. And he knows full well who i'm talking about, and i love him very much. Like i said, shame bout the distance though.
12. 12 is my favourite number
13. I get headaches. This in itself isn't interesting. But my mother's father died of a brain haemorage when she was very very young, and when i get my headaches, she starts freaking out. She's worried that the same thing will happen to me, and seeing her get so upset makes me upset, and it all kind of kicks off. And it's a deeply unpleasant thought that's always lurking there at the back of my head.
14. I'm scared of seaweed. Not scared as in "ugh, i think it's slightly gross", but scared as in, the sight and smell of it make me break out in a cold sweat. It genuinly makes me feel sick. I cry if i'm too near it.
15. When i was little i used to want to be a librarian. I love reading, and i adore libraries. I just lose myself, and find something to engross me. My boss told me recently that because i sit in the kitchen on my lunchbreaks reading, it's a bad thing, it's "anti-social". I curl up every night in my bed, with my hot water bottle bear, and read, till i fall asleep, usually with my book in my hand still. It's just about my favourite thing in the world.
16. One of the things i love most, is when i'm content enough to shut up. If you've met me, the "Daisy" you've met was probably "On", and all hyper, and loud. I am that hyper and loud, but i have my quiet moments too. When i get nervous, i get louder, and more talkative. Makes very little sense, i know, but when i just shut up, and sit still, thats' when you know i'm actually content. It's like my personal benchmark. Someone i can curl up with, and be quiet and read a book with them next to me, that's like my dream scenario. It's only ever happened once in my life, and it was perfect. That's really all i want in life.
17. I wear pyjamas more than anything else.
18. I'm wear my heart on my sleeve. That's not as good a thing as you'd expect. I wish i didn't. But i have all these feelings, and i'm only a little girl, and they're bigger than me, and i feel like i'm going to explode if i don't get them out. They're not always sad feelings either. But everything, you always know where you stand with me, i'm very much an open book.
19. I still have oil on my face.
20. Ok, so i'm 26. And these are 20 random facts, with a small bit of help might i add. I'm not very interesting, but i am honest.
Oh, and if you're ever in London and I don't know then make sure I do know! I'll take you out for a drink!
I do sometimes get drunk and forget what I've done the night before, but I'm still relatively sure I wasn't in Ireland last week!
But I am hot
Guess what I've realised. I've been chatting with you on and off for years, but we're not friends!
Pardon my thinking it's a slightly odd question, but yes! I do like spinach! In fact, I like baby spinach as a salad leaf too.
Erm... Why?!