My internet's giving me terrible trouble. I added a HUGE blog, and somehow it's just disappeared. Hmmmmpphhh.
I've been very much focusing on what i don't have lately. When i SHOULD have been concentrating on what i actually have. And what i actually have are friends and family that love me. And are so brilliant. And that's more than anyone can ask for. And i'm grateful. So no more moaning, for now....
I spent lots of time alone this weekend, i like being alone sometimes. Sorted some things out. And the rest of the weekend i spent it with some very special people. And y'know what, i'm so so lucky. I had a brilliant weekend, and it's been a while since i had fun, without feeling guilty for doing so, or depressed and alone.
A lot of you know Raistlyn is my best friend, and we were discussing new sets for me on friday night. I want to do a new set, and we have an idea floating around our heads. We want to do something very ME, and as he said, nothing says Daisy like running around shouting, scaring innocent people. I should do a dinosaur set. It'd be cool, cept no-one would want to see it.
Someone was asking recently about my accent. Yes, i do have an Irish accent, but it's not "sexy". Noooo, nothing about me is sexy. It's goofy. So, to demonstrate, i recorded me blipping. Wanna see?
I hope someone still likes me now that they've seen what a goofy idiot i am...
I passed my exam too. Hurrah. So, a good day. After a great weekend.
AND, i worked up the courage to ring my crush today. Now my crush is way huger. Eeeeeep.
I'm off, for a drive in my jim jams. I have one of my notions. Night.
I've been very much focusing on what i don't have lately. When i SHOULD have been concentrating on what i actually have. And what i actually have are friends and family that love me. And are so brilliant. And that's more than anyone can ask for. And i'm grateful. So no more moaning, for now....
I spent lots of time alone this weekend, i like being alone sometimes. Sorted some things out. And the rest of the weekend i spent it with some very special people. And y'know what, i'm so so lucky. I had a brilliant weekend, and it's been a while since i had fun, without feeling guilty for doing so, or depressed and alone.
A lot of you know Raistlyn is my best friend, and we were discussing new sets for me on friday night. I want to do a new set, and we have an idea floating around our heads. We want to do something very ME, and as he said, nothing says Daisy like running around shouting, scaring innocent people. I should do a dinosaur set. It'd be cool, cept no-one would want to see it.
Someone was asking recently about my accent. Yes, i do have an Irish accent, but it's not "sexy". Noooo, nothing about me is sexy. It's goofy. So, to demonstrate, i recorded me blipping. Wanna see?
I hope someone still likes me now that they've seen what a goofy idiot i am...
I passed my exam too. Hurrah. So, a good day. After a great weekend.
AND, i worked up the courage to ring my crush today. Now my crush is way huger. Eeeeeep.

I'm off, for a drive in my jim jams. I have one of my notions. Night.

Congrats on passing the exam! You coming to Dublin on Sat?
We need to talk about our trip, have you found out about us staying?