Oh my goodness. How do you people do it? How do you find me on bebo? One person from here,(who shall remain nameless, even if i do think he's a star) found me, and now someone else from an old site that i haven't been on in at least 5 years found me. Goodness. I though my bebo was sacred. But i'm glad i've been found by these two.
Anyway, i was on another hiatus. Due to study you understand. And i wanted to update before i cut the chord to internet land, cuz that blog was so so personal, and well, upsetting. And i never got a chance to. So, thank you for the comments, but i'm not going to reply, cuz it's sort of hard still.
Onwards and upwards eh?
Well, let me have my rant first. Like i said i was studying. So, for 2 whole weeks, my social life was suspended, and all i've done is bury my head in books. And i was going great guns, really taking it in. And i love my brain. It was all just information, floating around inside my beautiful brain, and somehow, CLICK, it became tangible, decent formulated thoughts, that i was so proud of, cuz these financial gems were coming from ME. And i went into that exam confident. All i had to do was transfer these wonderful gems from my brain to paper in 3 hours. Piece of piss. And when i saw the paper, it was like it was written for me. It all made sense, and i got stuck in. 2 hours into the exam, we were told, finish up people, time's up. And you better believe i caused a scene. 2 FUCKING HOURS???? OUR EXAM WAS 3 HOURS. OR SUPPOSED TO BE. Turns out the lecturer got it wrong. So i had a whole question left to answer, and well, i know that with what i HAD gotton done, i've probably passed, but it's the issue of either the lecturer or the institute running the course getting it so so wrong. I've already complained, but i'm not letting this one go people.
But, i am finished studying till September. Hooray.
So, today, in my first day off in weeks, i'm not going to bother getting dressed. No, i'm going to sit in my jim jams all day, and watch rubbish telly.
So, i actually have no news of any worth. Just study, hissy fits and jim jams, sums me up just fine. Don't you agree?
Right, i'm off for some hardcore lazing. IT IS A FUCKING WORD DAVE. I'LL SCRABBLE YOU.
Anyway, i was on another hiatus. Due to study you understand. And i wanted to update before i cut the chord to internet land, cuz that blog was so so personal, and well, upsetting. And i never got a chance to. So, thank you for the comments, but i'm not going to reply, cuz it's sort of hard still.
Onwards and upwards eh?
Well, let me have my rant first. Like i said i was studying. So, for 2 whole weeks, my social life was suspended, and all i've done is bury my head in books. And i was going great guns, really taking it in. And i love my brain. It was all just information, floating around inside my beautiful brain, and somehow, CLICK, it became tangible, decent formulated thoughts, that i was so proud of, cuz these financial gems were coming from ME. And i went into that exam confident. All i had to do was transfer these wonderful gems from my brain to paper in 3 hours. Piece of piss. And when i saw the paper, it was like it was written for me. It all made sense, and i got stuck in. 2 hours into the exam, we were told, finish up people, time's up. And you better believe i caused a scene. 2 FUCKING HOURS???? OUR EXAM WAS 3 HOURS. OR SUPPOSED TO BE. Turns out the lecturer got it wrong. So i had a whole question left to answer, and well, i know that with what i HAD gotton done, i've probably passed, but it's the issue of either the lecturer or the institute running the course getting it so so wrong. I've already complained, but i'm not letting this one go people.
But, i am finished studying till September. Hooray.
So, today, in my first day off in weeks, i'm not going to bother getting dressed. No, i'm going to sit in my jim jams all day, and watch rubbish telly.
So, i actually have no news of any worth. Just study, hissy fits and jim jams, sums me up just fine. Don't you agree?
Right, i'm off for some hardcore lazing. IT IS A FUCKING WORD DAVE. I'LL SCRABBLE YOU.
i lazed about today in my jim jams too! it was fun
the bestest pic in the world...
we are gorgeous...
sorry....lol....not really tho...
we rule...