Now if you're not in the mood to read a rant, well then look right the fuck away now.
Today's rant is more ranty than my usual rants. Today i am angry. Yes, i have the angry hat on, and i'm sure as shit wearing it well.
Where will i start? Let's do it chronologically.
Thursday, my "friend" rung me asking me to go away with him on saturday. Sounded nice, i said yes. Now i say "friend" beacuse, no, we're not actually friends at all. We dated. He cocked it up, and now we've decided to be friends. And today is saturday. We were meant to be going to west cork today, and 10 this morning. Seeing as i'm writing a blog at 1.30 you can pretty much be sure he bailed. AGAIN. This is why we didn't go on any more than 2 dates.
My friends tell me i never learn.
But wait, there is further evidence of this.
Some of you might know that my best friend is also on this site. He is, and i love him very very much.

And he had a barbeque last night, and most of the night was spent getting relationship advice from his sister, his cousin and his other cousins girlfriend. Apparantly it's mind-boggling that someone like me can't find a man. But this is true. Y'know, when they poke and prod and delve into your personal life, you leave that conversation feeliing like shit. And i do. But i'm very happy to inform you that the conclusion they all came to from this conversation is that i should just make do. Yes, me and Raistlyn should just go out. Despite the fact we work long and hard on our friendship, and make sure that no, we don't do anything silly that would balls it up. But they think otherwise.
So, i was stood up, and got a minefield of relationship "advice" to help me bag a man.
I never learn. None more so than with petty little boys that i'm WAY too good for. But today is all about learning. Learning that i'm wasting my time. And that i'm not going to anymore.
Might be cryptic, but i'm really hurt and upset at the moment, and well, this place isnt' for that emo-ness anymore. I'm going to delete the rest of this paragraph, for personal reasons. I'm off to sit in the sun and drink malibu till i fall over. It'll only take 2 glasses of malibu and fizzy pop.
But i think the worst thing of all, well, i told you we had a barbeque last night, and Dave made me do all the cooking, cuz he mistreats me, y'know. My hair now smells of bonfire. I'm like a bloody pikey.
Would you like to buy a couch?
At least i have good friends, who wear silly hats with me, to cheer me up. This is good.

Today's rant is more ranty than my usual rants. Today i am angry. Yes, i have the angry hat on, and i'm sure as shit wearing it well.

Where will i start? Let's do it chronologically.
Thursday, my "friend" rung me asking me to go away with him on saturday. Sounded nice, i said yes. Now i say "friend" beacuse, no, we're not actually friends at all. We dated. He cocked it up, and now we've decided to be friends. And today is saturday. We were meant to be going to west cork today, and 10 this morning. Seeing as i'm writing a blog at 1.30 you can pretty much be sure he bailed. AGAIN. This is why we didn't go on any more than 2 dates.
My friends tell me i never learn.
But wait, there is further evidence of this.
Some of you might know that my best friend is also on this site. He is, and i love him very very much.

And he had a barbeque last night, and most of the night was spent getting relationship advice from his sister, his cousin and his other cousins girlfriend. Apparantly it's mind-boggling that someone like me can't find a man. But this is true. Y'know, when they poke and prod and delve into your personal life, you leave that conversation feeliing like shit. And i do. But i'm very happy to inform you that the conclusion they all came to from this conversation is that i should just make do. Yes, me and Raistlyn should just go out. Despite the fact we work long and hard on our friendship, and make sure that no, we don't do anything silly that would balls it up. But they think otherwise.
So, i was stood up, and got a minefield of relationship "advice" to help me bag a man.
I never learn. None more so than with petty little boys that i'm WAY too good for. But today is all about learning. Learning that i'm wasting my time. And that i'm not going to anymore.
Might be cryptic, but i'm really hurt and upset at the moment, and well, this place isnt' for that emo-ness anymore. I'm going to delete the rest of this paragraph, for personal reasons. I'm off to sit in the sun and drink malibu till i fall over. It'll only take 2 glasses of malibu and fizzy pop.
But i think the worst thing of all, well, i told you we had a barbeque last night, and Dave made me do all the cooking, cuz he mistreats me, y'know. My hair now smells of bonfire. I'm like a bloody pikey.
Would you like to buy a couch?
At least i have good friends, who wear silly hats with me, to cheer me up. This is good.

(Present company excepted of course)
trying makes it so much harder to pull off.
but yeah i don't know if i would want to share the pizza dance et. al. with the internet at large.