White Rabbits, firstly. I'm pretty sure me and my family aren't the only ones that say white rabbits, but whatever, we do. The first of the month, every month,we all say white rabbits. And get good luck, or more importantly, not get bad luck if we don't say it. It has to be the FIRST WORDS out of your mouth. So in about 6 and a half hours time you can be cock sure i'll roll over and say, ugh White rabbits. And my mum will remind me, and we'll say it to ech other, and then sure as eggs is eggs, and mighty vile might i add, my friend John will email me tomorrow and say it.
Now, to the core....
I have a theory. I'm a hardcore thinker, and well, i've had a thought knocking about this little head of mine for a good few years now, and well, i've never told anyone, until tonight, and turns out they have the same delusional paranoid theory. And it's good to know i'm not the only one. It's somewhat of a relief.
I think everything happens for a reason, and lately, like the last, oh i don't know, 3, 4 months everything seems just a bit orchestrated, and well, polished, and i've had my doubts. One of the more "orchestrated" things was the way people from my past have come back into my life at EXACTLY the right time. Case in point, dave. I was so upset, and one random saturday afternoon i got a text from dave saying we should meet up, and i said, ya, sure, whatever, and he said what about today. And i was caught off guard, i wouldn't have gone otherise, but i did, and now, well, now me and Dave are going to Puerto Rico for our holiday next month. And Paulie is another one. I met him randomly recently, and now i bump into him every day, without fail. We go for breakfast and we talk shit and tonight we went to the cinema, and for a drive, a linky loop through cork city. Sometimes you need a new set of eyes to realise what you're missing. And he's done that. I see more in the last few weeks, due to him. I've taken photos to show you guys some things from my day to day life, but well, some other time. I AM going to steal some of Paul's photos however,
Me, on the way home from work, having a giggle.
Paul, in the tree, and i'm right there too, giggling again.
People keep saying 2006 was a big year for me, and that i made huge decisions and changes, and i'm not the person i was. Not quite sure where i stand on those statements, but i will admit, that things are different. And i think one of the main things is my ability to be alone. I hated it, feared it. Now, now i love it. I love my own company, and hate the popular girl i once was, truth be told now i have so few friends. Friends that would stick by me regardless. But i know who they are, and they know who they are, and they know i love them deeply. And that's more than i could wish for.
And i'm braver. I don't really think that one needs to be delved into right this minute, but, let's just say i'm not as scared to do the things i once was. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and i'm open as the day is long, and sometimes that's not what people want. But it's who i am. And i'm proud.
One of the things i learned last year, and it'll stick with me for life is, fireworks fade. If you just click with someone from the off, that's cool, but if there's huge chemistry, and sparks, that goes. And what's left sometimes isn't all you thought it was. I don't put my trust in sparks. I put my faith in longevity and growth. Wish i knew that 9 months ago. God, 9 months. Time flies when you're learning, eh?
Every single Irish person will know this song, and equate it to the start of summer. And even though it's a shitty recording, it puts such a smile on my face, every time. And anyone that's ever met me will know my love of gorgeous levi ass, or just bums in general. I am a dirty perv, and i am so unashamed about it.
Say your white rabbits, and smile. Happy MARCH.
Now, to the core....
I have a theory. I'm a hardcore thinker, and well, i've had a thought knocking about this little head of mine for a good few years now, and well, i've never told anyone, until tonight, and turns out they have the same delusional paranoid theory. And it's good to know i'm not the only one. It's somewhat of a relief.
I think everything happens for a reason, and lately, like the last, oh i don't know, 3, 4 months everything seems just a bit orchestrated, and well, polished, and i've had my doubts. One of the more "orchestrated" things was the way people from my past have come back into my life at EXACTLY the right time. Case in point, dave. I was so upset, and one random saturday afternoon i got a text from dave saying we should meet up, and i said, ya, sure, whatever, and he said what about today. And i was caught off guard, i wouldn't have gone otherise, but i did, and now, well, now me and Dave are going to Puerto Rico for our holiday next month. And Paulie is another one. I met him randomly recently, and now i bump into him every day, without fail. We go for breakfast and we talk shit and tonight we went to the cinema, and for a drive, a linky loop through cork city. Sometimes you need a new set of eyes to realise what you're missing. And he's done that. I see more in the last few weeks, due to him. I've taken photos to show you guys some things from my day to day life, but well, some other time. I AM going to steal some of Paul's photos however,

Me, on the way home from work, having a giggle.

Paul, in the tree, and i'm right there too, giggling again.

People keep saying 2006 was a big year for me, and that i made huge decisions and changes, and i'm not the person i was. Not quite sure where i stand on those statements, but i will admit, that things are different. And i think one of the main things is my ability to be alone. I hated it, feared it. Now, now i love it. I love my own company, and hate the popular girl i once was, truth be told now i have so few friends. Friends that would stick by me regardless. But i know who they are, and they know who they are, and they know i love them deeply. And that's more than i could wish for.
And i'm braver. I don't really think that one needs to be delved into right this minute, but, let's just say i'm not as scared to do the things i once was. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and i'm open as the day is long, and sometimes that's not what people want. But it's who i am. And i'm proud.
One of the things i learned last year, and it'll stick with me for life is, fireworks fade. If you just click with someone from the off, that's cool, but if there's huge chemistry, and sparks, that goes. And what's left sometimes isn't all you thought it was. I don't put my trust in sparks. I put my faith in longevity and growth. Wish i knew that 9 months ago. God, 9 months. Time flies when you're learning, eh?
Every single Irish person will know this song, and equate it to the start of summer. And even though it's a shitty recording, it puts such a smile on my face, every time. And anyone that's ever met me will know my love of gorgeous levi ass, or just bums in general. I am a dirty perv, and i am so unashamed about it.
Say your white rabbits, and smile. Happy MARCH.

