When you look back at what you've acheived over a 12 month period, certain things stick out.
My highlights don't read very well, they don't seem like much, but they fucking make me proud.
I did the things i thought i could never (and would never) do,sorted things out, and did what needed doing, and i can look now and say i'm happy.
And proud.
And wiser, no matter what people say.
Much as i don't give a toss anymore, Lyndon once said the thing he loved most about me was the fact i'm so naive. Innocent, and trusting. They're not necessarily good traits, but i like that about me. Most people wouldn't trust like i do, and i do get hurt, but i've learned, and this time it's gonna be different.
And if it's not, i've got the best friends a girl could ever wish for, more perhaps.
My highlights don't read very well, they don't seem like much, but they fucking make me proud.
I did the things i thought i could never (and would never) do,sorted things out, and did what needed doing, and i can look now and say i'm happy.
And proud.
And wiser, no matter what people say.
Much as i don't give a toss anymore, Lyndon once said the thing he loved most about me was the fact i'm so naive. Innocent, and trusting. They're not necessarily good traits, but i like that about me. Most people wouldn't trust like i do, and i do get hurt, but i've learned, and this time it's gonna be different.
And if it's not, i've got the best friends a girl could ever wish for, more perhaps.
Will do Daisy! Thanks for that. hes getting a little better each day, but as I said in the thread I reckon the excitement of all you sexy gals in Cork would kill him!! So we will postpone our visit for the time being.. you cant get rid of us that easliy!!!