I want to talk about my day for a minute.
My day was cack. I found out something that's made me take a step back in disbelief. The people i work with can't be trusted. The people i work with are devious, liars. They spout hate about each and every other member of staff. Whoever the target is just shanges from week to week. I'm this weeks target. I dont' mind that, let them talk their little petty shit, but i'm sick of it.
They are all cunting wagons. Maybe not all of them, maybe i'm over reacting. But i don't trust any of them anymore. And the one person that i do get on with, my friend Rose, she keeps warning me, like she knows something i don't know. And now i'm not even trusting her.
That's my problem, i've been hurt so many times, i never know when to trust, when not to. How soon is too soon? How do you know if someone is only nice to you to only take the piss out of you the minute your back is turned? I know i'm naive. I know it, i make no bones about it either, but am i setting myself up for a huge fall here.
I'm so fucking confused.
I'm fucking upset, and hurt and confused.
But, i'm sorting my shit out, and getting out of that job. I'm starting a new training course by night next week. Hopefully by the end of the summer i'll have a new job to match my new skills. Bitchy girls can ruin any job.
My day was cack. I found out something that's made me take a step back in disbelief. The people i work with can't be trusted. The people i work with are devious, liars. They spout hate about each and every other member of staff. Whoever the target is just shanges from week to week. I'm this weeks target. I dont' mind that, let them talk their little petty shit, but i'm sick of it.
They are all cunting wagons. Maybe not all of them, maybe i'm over reacting. But i don't trust any of them anymore. And the one person that i do get on with, my friend Rose, she keeps warning me, like she knows something i don't know. And now i'm not even trusting her.
That's my problem, i've been hurt so many times, i never know when to trust, when not to. How soon is too soon? How do you know if someone is only nice to you to only take the piss out of you the minute your back is turned? I know i'm naive. I know it, i make no bones about it either, but am i setting myself up for a huge fall here.
I'm so fucking confused.
I'm fucking upset, and hurt and confused.
But, i'm sorting my shit out, and getting out of that job. I'm starting a new training course by night next week. Hopefully by the end of the summer i'll have a new job to match my new skills. Bitchy girls can ruin any job.
Anyhow, chin-up
Love the newest photos, put me on a peculiar train of thought, but you'll have to read my new blog for that!