Also, the crush i have, on the boy. I've scared him off. Already. I just got nervous, and started talking at him, and he ran. RAN LIKE THERE WAS NO TOMORROW. Oh well.
I applied for a new job yesterday. And another one today. I don't really know what my chances are, but i won't know till January if i even have an interview, so keep your fingers crossed. I would like a new job. Soon.
I am too forgiving. That's todays lesson. Especially with ex's.
Speaking of ex's, one of mine has found his way onto this here site. So i can't bitch about him anymore. Now, that's 2 ex's of mine here. I won't be able to get away with anything. Except i don't give a flying fuck what the other one thinks.
I like almostfamous, he makes me smile. I said i wasn't looking forward to this weekend, and he went looking at flights to come visit me. I like him. A lot.
Manners mean a lot. I hate people with no manners. If someone gives you a gift, you say thank you. If someone invites you somewhere, you don't expect that invitation to be revoked without being told. Manners you see, are clearly something not to be overlooked. Let me tell you this, if i don't get a thank you soon, you're about to see an angry Daisy. It's not pleasant. Manners people. Don't overlook them.
I'm hungry.
I want new friends. Not that the ones i have aren't good, i love them, Awfully, but they're always super busy, and i want friends to go out drinking with, and shopping, and girlie things. Maybe a girlfriend?
I'm going to get square eyes from staring at the screen:
Sexy hair, eh?
Night fuckers.
Mate, he's a bloke and you're hot and you talked to him: he ran cos he was scared!!
Cool hair, sorry about your split troosers!
in the other hand let me tell you my thoughts on those subjects (leave it as well if you it sounds like shit)
Our life is the result of our own acts and performance , for sure sometimes the chance could be helpfull , but anyway only the involvement and implication can give back a return on investment and can guarrantee a real sucess (anyhow I cross fingers too...
Take care , don't change anything ...just only try to be and remain yourself..keep your good energy on !!!!
Kiss !