When i was growing up i never climbed a tree. So i've decided i MUST climb a tree, and soon. I think my life may depend on it.
Where i grew up, there were 7 kids my age, 3 boys and 4 girls. 3 of the girls were older and did "cool girl" things, and the younger girl, she wasn't into boyish things, and the boys never let me play with them, so i've never climbed a tree. Well, that's a lie. I tried, and i wasn't very good at it, and i tried that same tree MANY times, and i never managed it. And now i desperatly want to climb a tree. I don't know why. But i do.
Remember back in January, when my first set went up? Well, i said by the end of the year i had 2 things i wanted to do. 1 was go to Rome, which i did. the second was...............learn to drive. I'm bloody doing it, aren't i? Yes, i am learning, and i'm not that bad. I've had a few lessons now, and i can do most things. I've even been on real roads, and country, windy roads and in traffic, and i'm so fucking proud of me. I thought i'd be awful, but i'm not. I'm getting better and better, and i'll be driving proper soon, and then there will be no stopping me. I shall go on driving holidays and come to annoy all you lot.
They say bad things always come in 3's. Well, i think it's true, cuz all the bad shit in my life lately, can be categorized into 3 neat little bundles, and i think all 3 have gotton moderatly better, so i'm pretty sure it has to be all up from here. I can even feel the tension lift to be honest, and i'ts nice.
Actually, i know things are getting better. You'll see.
I got asked out yesterday. Like, on a real date. And the guy who asked me knows me and everything, so it's not even some random bloke who doesn't know what he's let himself in for. I said no though. Cuz i'm happy on my own. Even though that means i now have nobody to give me Christmas pyjamas. Hmmmm, i'll need to re-evaluate my plan.
I do have a plan though, you lot would be amazed.
So, to summarize. I'm alright. Tonight's my first Wednesday alone in nearly 4 years. Wednesday was always date night, and to be honest i was so afraid, and scared to be alone. And i didn't melt, i managed. I studied, and spent some time with my mum, and watched some tv, sounds like a success to me. AND there was cake. What more can you ask for? I'll be fine.
Bet you thought you'd never see a smile back on my face, eh?

Where i grew up, there were 7 kids my age, 3 boys and 4 girls. 3 of the girls were older and did "cool girl" things, and the younger girl, she wasn't into boyish things, and the boys never let me play with them, so i've never climbed a tree. Well, that's a lie. I tried, and i wasn't very good at it, and i tried that same tree MANY times, and i never managed it. And now i desperatly want to climb a tree. I don't know why. But i do.
Remember back in January, when my first set went up? Well, i said by the end of the year i had 2 things i wanted to do. 1 was go to Rome, which i did. the second was...............learn to drive. I'm bloody doing it, aren't i? Yes, i am learning, and i'm not that bad. I've had a few lessons now, and i can do most things. I've even been on real roads, and country, windy roads and in traffic, and i'm so fucking proud of me. I thought i'd be awful, but i'm not. I'm getting better and better, and i'll be driving proper soon, and then there will be no stopping me. I shall go on driving holidays and come to annoy all you lot.
They say bad things always come in 3's. Well, i think it's true, cuz all the bad shit in my life lately, can be categorized into 3 neat little bundles, and i think all 3 have gotton moderatly better, so i'm pretty sure it has to be all up from here. I can even feel the tension lift to be honest, and i'ts nice.
Actually, i know things are getting better. You'll see.
I got asked out yesterday. Like, on a real date. And the guy who asked me knows me and everything, so it's not even some random bloke who doesn't know what he's let himself in for. I said no though. Cuz i'm happy on my own. Even though that means i now have nobody to give me Christmas pyjamas. Hmmmm, i'll need to re-evaluate my plan.
I do have a plan though, you lot would be amazed.
So, to summarize. I'm alright. Tonight's my first Wednesday alone in nearly 4 years. Wednesday was always date night, and to be honest i was so afraid, and scared to be alone. And i didn't melt, i managed. I studied, and spent some time with my mum, and watched some tv, sounds like a success to me. AND there was cake. What more can you ask for? I'll be fine.
Bet you thought you'd never see a smile back on my face, eh?

Driving is so cool.. I feel so free when Im driving!!!!
You need not worry.