Well, i'm feeling a lot better.
Sometimes it's very hard to see what's really going on when you're so involved, and have invested emotions in something. And when you do walk away and manage to look at it objectivley, you see some things.
I took a step back, and did some hardcore thinking, and y'know what, i'm alright. Handsome man, isn't what i made him out to be. Which stupidly upset me a bit, cuz i fell so hard for someone that didn't even exist. The person that does exist, well, he's nothing much to write home about. And i built him up as something else, something better in my head.
I'm still upset though, don't get me wrong, cuz for the first while, our relationship was great, and i'll miss that, but recently, it's been cack, and he's been cack, and i won't miss that. I'll find someone else eventually. And i'm quite enjoying this being single lark, somewhat.
I have some really good friends, who have been amazing to me. And 2 other people who i love have listened to me and put up with me, and watched out for me. And i'm lucky.
I even got chatted up on Friday, but by a real good looking guy too, and it was weird. And someone from my past, completly out of the blue texted me yesterday, saying we should meet up sometime, and i said, ya, that'd be nice, and he suggested that afternoon, so we met up, and talked, and it was nice. But it'll be a long long time before i get myself involved with anymore men, trust me. I'm liking me time too much.
And work problems have been sorted, somewhat. Which i'm glad about, i learned a very important lesson through it though, i'm far too trusting, and i shouldn't be. People have stabbed me in the back, and people will continue to do it if i continue to trust everyone i meet. So, i will be more cautious, and certainly won't be opening my big mouth as much.
So, that's your lot really. I'm a lot better. It's raining today, so i get to wear my wellies and go splashing in some puddles.
Thanks for all your nice words and support, i am so grateful, you really helped me see straight.
Sometimes it's very hard to see what's really going on when you're so involved, and have invested emotions in something. And when you do walk away and manage to look at it objectivley, you see some things.
I took a step back, and did some hardcore thinking, and y'know what, i'm alright. Handsome man, isn't what i made him out to be. Which stupidly upset me a bit, cuz i fell so hard for someone that didn't even exist. The person that does exist, well, he's nothing much to write home about. And i built him up as something else, something better in my head.
I'm still upset though, don't get me wrong, cuz for the first while, our relationship was great, and i'll miss that, but recently, it's been cack, and he's been cack, and i won't miss that. I'll find someone else eventually. And i'm quite enjoying this being single lark, somewhat.
I have some really good friends, who have been amazing to me. And 2 other people who i love have listened to me and put up with me, and watched out for me. And i'm lucky.
I even got chatted up on Friday, but by a real good looking guy too, and it was weird. And someone from my past, completly out of the blue texted me yesterday, saying we should meet up sometime, and i said, ya, that'd be nice, and he suggested that afternoon, so we met up, and talked, and it was nice. But it'll be a long long time before i get myself involved with anymore men, trust me. I'm liking me time too much.
And work problems have been sorted, somewhat. Which i'm glad about, i learned a very important lesson through it though, i'm far too trusting, and i shouldn't be. People have stabbed me in the back, and people will continue to do it if i continue to trust everyone i meet. So, i will be more cautious, and certainly won't be opening my big mouth as much.
So, that's your lot really. I'm a lot better. It's raining today, so i get to wear my wellies and go splashing in some puddles.

Thanks for all your nice words and support, i am so grateful, you really helped me see straight.

good luck with everything after that I'm sure you'll find someone lovely.