My handsome man dumped me. Last night.
It really upset me, i'd be lying if i said it didn't. I had a proper fucking wobble after, i was just so upset, and just wanted someone to cry to. I went out and met two wonderful friends, and they both, and other people that i've talked to since have all said i can do better. I know that that's the standard break up speech, but something about it struck a nerve. I am a nice girl, i'm not half as bad as i was being made out to be, and i do think i can do better. This isn't me being a cunt and saying he's a wanker after all. I don't think he's a wanker. I think he's a lovely person, but not a good boyfriend. He never made me feel loved, and he was unreliable, and sometimes not very nice to me. I wasn't very nice to him either sometimes. And it was all just a bit too much of a struggle. Before our holiday it was a great relationship, but since then it's gotton steadily worse. And even though i still care about him, and will miss him, i think it's for the best.
So, i'm alone. Again. Insert your witty comments about me not being able to keep a man here please.
But also, i am single again. I'm not quite sure if this is good or bad. It's been a long time.
I saw this this morning, and i think it's excellant. Girl number 13 looks nice................ Ha, it made me giggle
Like almostfamous. He sent me a postcard from his holiday, and i got it yesterday. And even though yesterday, with the dumping, and the crying was an awful day, when i saw that, i just couldn't help but smile. He's a keeper.
So, that's your lot now fuckers.
Now go you lot, and find me a nice new man. A new shiny man. Please.
It really upset me, i'd be lying if i said it didn't. I had a proper fucking wobble after, i was just so upset, and just wanted someone to cry to. I went out and met two wonderful friends, and they both, and other people that i've talked to since have all said i can do better. I know that that's the standard break up speech, but something about it struck a nerve. I am a nice girl, i'm not half as bad as i was being made out to be, and i do think i can do better. This isn't me being a cunt and saying he's a wanker after all. I don't think he's a wanker. I think he's a lovely person, but not a good boyfriend. He never made me feel loved, and he was unreliable, and sometimes not very nice to me. I wasn't very nice to him either sometimes. And it was all just a bit too much of a struggle. Before our holiday it was a great relationship, but since then it's gotton steadily worse. And even though i still care about him, and will miss him, i think it's for the best.
So, i'm alone. Again. Insert your witty comments about me not being able to keep a man here please.
But also, i am single again. I'm not quite sure if this is good or bad. It's been a long time.
I saw this this morning, and i think it's excellant. Girl number 13 looks nice................ Ha, it made me giggle
Like almostfamous. He sent me a postcard from his holiday, and i got it yesterday. And even though yesterday, with the dumping, and the crying was an awful day, when i saw that, i just couldn't help but smile. He's a keeper.
So, that's your lot now fuckers.
Now go you lot, and find me a nice new man. A new shiny man. Please.

Still hard though, so sendf you a cuddle.
Keep well
That site is funny