Bleugh. Yes, grey skies are clearing. I don't really know what's wrong, i'm just fed up a lot of the time recently. But i think things are getting better. I can see the good, and i can see the bad, the negative factors that are causing me so much heartache of late. This is a good thing. Now that i see the negative i can cut those things out of my life. Slowly. It's hard.
Last Monday my beautiful dog died. It was really sad. He just died. He had been sick for a bit, and went to bed (he couldn't walk in the end, so was placed in bed) and just slipped away. It was very sad. Lots of tears, and we buried him in the garden. Sounds silly i know, but i loved him. He was a brilliant friend, and the house seems so empty without him flumping around.
Anway, that's my lot. Not much news as such. I have a knot in my tummy after writing about my flimbot dog.
College course is going well, work is ok-ish. Other things are on my mind too, but y'know what, my problems are basic. Things will get better, i know that. It's just the hanging around waiting for things to get better. And i know i have to do that myslef, and i'm bloody trying. Trying so fucking hard.
I have some things to take my mind off stuff though, so hopefully soon normal service will resume. I haven't ben updating as much recently cuz i figure you lot don't want to hear my moaning, but if you do, always just drop me a message. I love you lot.
Now, my Erin McKeown cd's are going to be worn out, cuz i've listened to her a lot lately, but she puts a smile on my face. I'm off to listen to her some more.

Last Monday my beautiful dog died. It was really sad. He just died. He had been sick for a bit, and went to bed (he couldn't walk in the end, so was placed in bed) and just slipped away. It was very sad. Lots of tears, and we buried him in the garden. Sounds silly i know, but i loved him. He was a brilliant friend, and the house seems so empty without him flumping around.

Anway, that's my lot. Not much news as such. I have a knot in my tummy after writing about my flimbot dog.

I have some things to take my mind off stuff though, so hopefully soon normal service will resume. I haven't ben updating as much recently cuz i figure you lot don't want to hear my moaning, but if you do, always just drop me a message. I love you lot.
Now, my Erin McKeown cd's are going to be worn out, cuz i've listened to her a lot lately, but she puts a smile on my face. I'm off to listen to her some more.

Hope you are feeling a bit better; it takes time. He'll always be there in your mind. I have wonderful memories of our lovely old dog (like the time she knocked my Dad over - she wasn't a big dog) that will never fade. 

I'm sorry, he was such a cutie