I got a phone call today from my lovely man, telling me he has my birthday present picked out, and he has to go pick it up on Saturday. I assumed that this meant he had to run into town for a couple of minutes, but then he said he'd be gone for a few hours. So, after much coaxing, i got it out of him, that he has to drive to Wicklow to collect my present. I am surely stumped as to what this present might be, but either way, i'm going to Wicklow with him on Saturday. And we're going to go to Dublin afterwards, and stay the night there. So, in short, if anyone is around, let me know. I'm thinking it's an excuse to meet up with you lot, and talk shit for hours.
Hurrah, and it's an excuse to go stay in a fancy hotel. 5 star hotel for Daisy.
Hurrah, and it's an excuse to go stay in a fancy hotel. 5 star hotel for Daisy.

great, now im curious! 

Aw bless, I'm sure it'll be something ace.