Do you ever have one of those days where you want to crawl under a very big rock and die. I'm having one of them. It's poo. I had a big big fight with my friend at work today. We were shouting blue murder at one another, which is semi normal, but i didn't appreciate it when she told me shut my stupid fat face. Don't pity me though, cuz i was being a cunt too. I hate fighting though.
I got a paypal account just now, and i feel like some kind of simpleton cuz i don't know how to use it, and i got it to buy something off the lovely Twinkie, i hope she doesn't think i'm being rude by leaving her hanging. I just can't work the bloody thing.
I got a message from ICY today, and for some reason he said to say hi to you lot, and to say he misses you, dont' know why though.... Oh ya, cuz you're all superb. He misses you lot anyway. And we miss him. And i know he still reads my journal, fucker. He smells, of dog food and wee. It's true. He's met my mum and everything, it's weird him not being here to pass smart comments anymore.
Moving on... headache is still there.
I never take any sick days, ever. I think i'm going to some time soon though, and have a Harry Potter fest. I told my boss, and she said that's a great idea, and can she borrow my Harry Potter dvd's to do the same.
Boys are stupid also. In case you'd forgotton. It's been a while since we've had a man bashing a-thon.
Night you fuckers, i'm off to crawl into my bed and die a little. I had a dream about a rat the other night, I took him into the bath with me, and he drowned. Hmmm. I like rats, but i love Luckie's ferrets a million times more. Night.
I got a paypal account just now, and i feel like some kind of simpleton cuz i don't know how to use it, and i got it to buy something off the lovely Twinkie, i hope she doesn't think i'm being rude by leaving her hanging. I just can't work the bloody thing.
I got a message from ICY today, and for some reason he said to say hi to you lot, and to say he misses you, dont' know why though.... Oh ya, cuz you're all superb. He misses you lot anyway. And we miss him. And i know he still reads my journal, fucker. He smells, of dog food and wee. It's true. He's met my mum and everything, it's weird him not being here to pass smart comments anymore.
Moving on... headache is still there.
I never take any sick days, ever. I think i'm going to some time soon though, and have a Harry Potter fest. I told my boss, and she said that's a great idea, and can she borrow my Harry Potter dvd's to do the same.

Boys are stupid also. In case you'd forgotton. It's been a while since we've had a man bashing a-thon.
Night you fuckers, i'm off to crawl into my bed and die a little. I had a dream about a rat the other night, I took him into the bath with me, and he drowned. Hmmm. I like rats, but i love Luckie's ferrets a million times more. Night.

It's a secret, we daren't speak her name kind of deal. I don't want to end up dead in an alleyway, and have to watch you mourn me for years.
15's are those wee buns you get in coffee shops that are made up of digestive biscuits, marshmallows and cherries. I think there is susposed to be 15 of each. They are damn tasty. I will make you some too if you come to the belfast meet!