With this journal malarkey i always get stuck for things to write. Like what do you lot want to read about me, and whay do you definatly not want to know. I often get confused. And lately i've been using this journal as a venting tool for my frustration, and i think some of you have gotton me all wrong. I'm not angry all the time, i'm not miserable, i'm not fed up. I'm probably one of the happiest girls you'll ever meet. I promise, everything's ok. Thanks.
There was one person who could have (hopefully) agreed with me here, and told you all how happy and giddy i really am. But unfortunatly this person was shown the door. Now, i'm not going to moan on about how i feel my friend was wronged, or anything like that, but i miss my ICY man. He's a good friend to me, and i'll miss him being around on here.

That's him and Mikey. I love this photo, cuz it's two men that i adore from two different parts of my life, and they're joking around and having fun together. It melts my heart a little. Anyway, enough gushing, i love Brain, and i'll miss him, that's all.
So, what's been going on in my little life then, hmmmm, not a great deal. Surprised??? My neck piercing grew out though. It was looking dodgy for a while, and the other night it finally popped out. I'm left with a hefty scar. I't's kind of gross, but that's why you lot like me, right?
Wanna see? I'm gonna spoler it up for those of you who don't want to see. Unfortunatly people in my real life don't get a spoiler, and get it showed to them regardless.
Everyone has a bad habit, what's yours? Mine is chomping on my fingers. Yes, i eat the skin on my fingers, and i pick at it all the time. It's awful, and i hate it, but i still do it. Somebody took some photos of me biting last weekend, i don't even realise i'm doing it most of the time. It's my weakness.
Yucky, eh?
So, now, i need some advice. If anyone's looking to help a girl out, now you can. I had a best friend, and she treated me really shoddily. I've mentioned her here before, but i try not to talk about it, cuz to be honest it upsets me. I've not seen her in over a year. She lives in the UK, and she makes no effort to make time for me when she comes back to visit her parents. I went to Liverpool last May, and we were meant to meet, and she cancelled, last minute, and kept giving me rubbish excuses, then came back to Cork the weekend of my birthday, and i did try to get in contact with her, but nothing. Now, i just got a text saying she's home next week, and how she'd love to see me. I can't help thinking, why? Would you meet up? I'm not gonna put most of the story in here, cuz it's not really the place, but i feel she's not been great, and just gave up on me, and i fought hard to stay friends, but she has her man now, i don't fit anymore. Yes, i'm bitter, at least i admit it. What would you do? She doesn't know i'm so bitter, and i can't not be i think.
Eeeeep, help.
My problems are so miniscule, and i am so thankful for that fact. Thank Luckie for the advice.
I'm off now, thanks you lot for being so great. I'm back now, and i'm going to annoying you again. Sorry.
As for the friend... tricky. I would be tempted to say that you should demand answers and explain how you're feeling. This will resolve the matter one way or another with this person. Although confrontation may not be your style, it didn't used to be mine but now I find it liberating.
Best first impression ever.