Have you lot seen the sets have been going up recently? Wow, that's all i have to say on the matter. Wow times a bazillion. Them's some hot ladies there.
Let's look at the evidence. (For purely informative reasons, no pervy tendancies here at all, no way)
Firstly, there's Salome, who's a total sweetheart. She is hot as hell, and so sweet.
And Sonja, who's a gorgeous German lady. Mmmm, sexy German accent.
Y'know what i found out recently? Members can't see our favourite girls. Well, this is just a travesty, and one that i am going to have to rectify, through the magic of this here journal. Fear not you lot, but brace yourselves. I actually agonise over my favourite girls, cuz i have so many, but my current top 5 is:
Irish, as all the members of SG Ireland already will know. She was my first friend on this site,and i can't begin to describe how smart and funny, and beautiful this girl is. I can't do the girl justice, but all i do know is that my girlie crush on her is totally justified.
Hope, who's another smart sweet girl. She is funny as hell, and always has the right things to say. She's a great friend, and meeting her is definatly one of the best things to come out of this site for me. Oh, and did i mention that's she's adorable.
Elf, who's actually a girl i don't know, at all, but she is downright hot. I actually adore her, she's so beautiful and creative.
Melissa. She is the only girl on my top 5 list who i've actually met, and i had very bad preconceived notions about her. I thought she was gonna be a mood monster, but oh god, how wrong was i? She is hilarious. I adore her, she's so hot, like, strikingly, breathtakingly beautiful, and as down to earth as anything. And she makes a great drinking buddy.
And last but definatly not least:
Gwen, who is so sweet and look at that set, she's cute as a button. A really nice girl.
Now, there you go. Although, there are many many girls who go in and out of my favourites. Some of them are:
I went to my favourite restaurant last night and went to the loo to, um, powder my nose, and they were playing Suzanne Vega in the loo. This made my night, and made me love this restaurant even more. So, now i'm having a Suzanne Vega moment. Everyone should love Suzanne Vega, it should be mandatory.
I've been thinking really massive amount latley, and it's strange the conclusions i've been coming to. I think too much. But i think i have some ideas, and that's what it's all about, right?
And in realtion to my last entry, thank you. Number one, thank you for bearing with me and sticking around. It is truly noted, and i love you lot. Really, i do. You give me a warm squishy feeling in my belly. But that could also be hunger. Number two, thank you for being so supportive of every girl on this site. I can testify first hand, it's not the easiest putting yourself out there for everyones scrutiny on the internet, and i still, to this day, can't articulate why i wanted to do it. But you lot (for the most part) are a wonderful community who stand by people, and support and offer encouraging words. It's a wonderful testament that very rarely i see girls being left negative comments, and hateful, spiteful words. Thank you.
The people who i was talking about in my last entry were myspace people. Basically, some asshat decided to message me and say some things. They weren't even that hurtful, but personal. Basiclaly he was attacking my personal appearance. He started off by saying, he think's i'm pretty, but... And it went from there, and i just don't understand why random cuntbags feel the need to tell total strangers that they think they're ugly. It doesn't make any sense to me, and i fully appreciate that it says more about the commenter than the commentee, but it's still not a nice thing to read. I get it a lot on myspace, and again, it's because i'm open on the internet, and these are the pitfalls that we must all be aware of. Doesn't make it pleasant though.
But, like i said, this site doesn't have that. And i love it here. Recently, like i said, i've been thinking, and i've decided that you lot are stuck with me. Sorry. This might be a burden for some of you, and yes, i am being serious, but i'm not going anywhere. You need to deal with that.
Thank you for your time. Now, back to the matter in hand. Looking at pretty ladies. Mmmmm, pretty ladies.
Let's look at the evidence. (For purely informative reasons, no pervy tendancies here at all, no way)
Firstly, there's Salome, who's a total sweetheart. She is hot as hell, and so sweet.

And Sonja, who's a gorgeous German lady. Mmmm, sexy German accent.

Y'know what i found out recently? Members can't see our favourite girls. Well, this is just a travesty, and one that i am going to have to rectify, through the magic of this here journal. Fear not you lot, but brace yourselves. I actually agonise over my favourite girls, cuz i have so many, but my current top 5 is:

Irish, as all the members of SG Ireland already will know. She was my first friend on this site,and i can't begin to describe how smart and funny, and beautiful this girl is. I can't do the girl justice, but all i do know is that my girlie crush on her is totally justified.

Hope, who's another smart sweet girl. She is funny as hell, and always has the right things to say. She's a great friend, and meeting her is definatly one of the best things to come out of this site for me. Oh, and did i mention that's she's adorable.

Elf, who's actually a girl i don't know, at all, but she is downright hot. I actually adore her, she's so beautiful and creative.

Melissa. She is the only girl on my top 5 list who i've actually met, and i had very bad preconceived notions about her. I thought she was gonna be a mood monster, but oh god, how wrong was i? She is hilarious. I adore her, she's so hot, like, strikingly, breathtakingly beautiful, and as down to earth as anything. And she makes a great drinking buddy.
And last but definatly not least:

Gwen, who is so sweet and look at that set, she's cute as a button. A really nice girl.
Now, there you go. Although, there are many many girls who go in and out of my favourites. Some of them are:




I went to my favourite restaurant last night and went to the loo to, um, powder my nose, and they were playing Suzanne Vega in the loo. This made my night, and made me love this restaurant even more. So, now i'm having a Suzanne Vega moment. Everyone should love Suzanne Vega, it should be mandatory.
I've been thinking really massive amount latley, and it's strange the conclusions i've been coming to. I think too much. But i think i have some ideas, and that's what it's all about, right?
And in realtion to my last entry, thank you. Number one, thank you for bearing with me and sticking around. It is truly noted, and i love you lot. Really, i do. You give me a warm squishy feeling in my belly. But that could also be hunger. Number two, thank you for being so supportive of every girl on this site. I can testify first hand, it's not the easiest putting yourself out there for everyones scrutiny on the internet, and i still, to this day, can't articulate why i wanted to do it. But you lot (for the most part) are a wonderful community who stand by people, and support and offer encouraging words. It's a wonderful testament that very rarely i see girls being left negative comments, and hateful, spiteful words. Thank you.
The people who i was talking about in my last entry were myspace people. Basically, some asshat decided to message me and say some things. They weren't even that hurtful, but personal. Basiclaly he was attacking my personal appearance. He started off by saying, he think's i'm pretty, but... And it went from there, and i just don't understand why random cuntbags feel the need to tell total strangers that they think they're ugly. It doesn't make any sense to me, and i fully appreciate that it says more about the commenter than the commentee, but it's still not a nice thing to read. I get it a lot on myspace, and again, it's because i'm open on the internet, and these are the pitfalls that we must all be aware of. Doesn't make it pleasant though.
But, like i said, this site doesn't have that. And i love it here. Recently, like i said, i've been thinking, and i've decided that you lot are stuck with me. Sorry. This might be a burden for some of you, and yes, i am being serious, but i'm not going anywhere. You need to deal with that.
Thank you for your time. Now, back to the matter in hand. Looking at pretty ladies. Mmmmm, pretty ladies.
Also, i did a little spring clean on my friends list. If i kicked you off, and you want back on, just message me. But i will be doing another cull soon.
I'm pondering my future. There. That's the one.
I'm actually alright, never you mind. Though perhaps those kabillion kisses did make me smile a little...
Stop that.
I can't type, I'm sorta hyper and not tired so I did some excercise like I told myself I would. Now my fingers wont work properly and my heads all light and swimmy...
It's not too bad actually heh.
I'm sure I'll get job of some sort, after all now I'm looking properly for anything I can get and not just some career one.
I am thinking this going back to university might be a good idea.
The course I'm after is part funded by the government cause they don't have enough people qualified in it.
Meaning I might actually get a job out of it if I do it!
Shock! A college course you get a job out of ! AN ACTUAL JOB!
Though that's what they told me about my IT one before the bubble burst when I was in second year.
I didn't realise members can't see our faveourite girlies either! x