Fucking internet shitology. Seriously, i'm sure you all get it too, but i'm so sick of people i don't know, and have no desire to ever get to know telling me what sick perverse, or downright insulting things they think of me. It's not witty, and i hate it.
I wish it didn't get to me, but that's always been my big downfall, and trusting people too much. But the sensitivity thing moreso. It's a problem in my real life,a really big problem, for reasons some of you may know. Some shitty things have happened in my little life to me, and although i've grown and learned to be the mouthy little bitch you know now, i'm still a little delicate. And random fuckers insulting me for no reason just presses the wrong buttons.
Done now. Although somebody did confess their undying love for me today at work. I've mentioned this guy here before, he's cute,and comes in to work a lot, and stopped coming cuz i wasn't there, but now i'm back, and so's he. He's adorable, and so clumsy around me. I want to bundle him up.
But i'm still angry. But random fucktarts on the internet are the least of my worries, and to be honset, my worries pale in comparison to others.
Moment of clarity achieved right there, i'm off to bed.
No Daisy trivia tonight. But keep your eyes peeled, theremight be more, if anyone cares. Night you lovely lot. Snogs all round.
I wish it didn't get to me, but that's always been my big downfall, and trusting people too much. But the sensitivity thing moreso. It's a problem in my real life,a really big problem, for reasons some of you may know. Some shitty things have happened in my little life to me, and although i've grown and learned to be the mouthy little bitch you know now, i'm still a little delicate. And random fuckers insulting me for no reason just presses the wrong buttons.

Done now. Although somebody did confess their undying love for me today at work. I've mentioned this guy here before, he's cute,and comes in to work a lot, and stopped coming cuz i wasn't there, but now i'm back, and so's he. He's adorable, and so clumsy around me. I want to bundle him up.
But i'm still angry. But random fucktarts on the internet are the least of my worries, and to be honset, my worries pale in comparison to others.
Moment of clarity achieved right there, i'm off to bed.
No Daisy trivia tonight. But keep your eyes peeled, theremight be more, if anyone cares. Night you lovely lot. Snogs all round.

I'll hurt them for you...LoL.. You are the kewlest chik ever..And I heart u ....