I think maybe i over reacted a little with regards to my job. But thanks for all your great support. I'm gonna stay put a while anyway.
Today my boss really surprised me. I walked into the kitchen at work, and she handed me a photocopy of all todays sodukos, and told me she was trying to get my job sorted out for me. Right now, the job i'm doing is soul destroying, but tomorrow is the last day, and i'm moving elsewhere. She really is trying to help me, and i appreciate that.
In other news did you all see Anarchie's set.
I love pretty girls. And all you lot.
Today my boss really surprised me. I walked into the kitchen at work, and she handed me a photocopy of all todays sodukos, and told me she was trying to get my job sorted out for me. Right now, the job i'm doing is soul destroying, but tomorrow is the last day, and i'm moving elsewhere. She really is trying to help me, and i appreciate that.
In other news did you all see Anarchie's set.

I love pretty girls. And all you lot.

Stay cool babe.