Today i am going to go to the cinema.
Looks like it's going to be another non-stop rollercoaster of a year for me.
I am probably the most boring girl on this site. Maybe on every site. It's bad when you're friends know your exact routine. I just like order, that's all. I like my time to be structured, and not having a routine kinda bothers me.
No, there's no convincing me. I am boring.
But on the plus side, Irish is still on the site. Maybe the powers that be realise the immense girl crush i have on her, and refuse to let her leave. I hope so.
Looks like it's going to be another non-stop rollercoaster of a year for me.

I am probably the most boring girl on this site. Maybe on every site. It's bad when you're friends know your exact routine. I just like order, that's all. I like my time to be structured, and not having a routine kinda bothers me.
No, there's no convincing me. I am boring.
But on the plus side, Irish is still on the site. Maybe the powers that be realise the immense girl crush i have on her, and refuse to let her leave. I hope so.
I suggest you try it.
And if people are being grumpy and mean to you, just schedule their eye for some time with sweet lady screwdiver.
Works wonders.