I was tagged by @jjtjames5x and @richsquared
This is going to be a hard post. There’s so many lovely ladies and people to choose from.
Kiss 😘, I will go with @starry because she’s so adorably cute!! Who doesn’t love a good bunny kiss 💋
Marry 💍, I will say @jadestone she gives me wifey vibes all day long. She’s sexy and soulful.
And finally for Pink 🩷, I totally nominate @stevienyx she’s a hottie for sure who deserves to go pink
I will tag, @scorpiontim87 @scarface_pirate @sorcerer333 @wolfmantyron @suilewie71 @we_attack_at_dawn @littlejohn22 @riverroseboudoir @jadestone @stevienyx @erissa @janie @angeladawn @ktstrange
@vaega @penny @kyrie @hex