Okay, so I may be criticized and called a noob, but I have only been climbing for 5 months, and yesterday was the first time I ever got to top-rope and Holy Shit it was fuckin' amazing!!!
Up until this point I have been seriously committed to bouldering, which is getting me strong as shit, and challenging me everyday.... but climbing is climbing and so I don't care if I'm a noob. I work my ass-off and train hard and I fucking love to climb!! Top-roping is a whole different side of the sport and I had a ball.
If I were the Ocean I'd be gorgeous blue and salty
Up until this point I have been seriously committed to bouldering, which is getting me strong as shit, and challenging me everyday.... but climbing is climbing and so I don't care if I'm a noob. I work my ass-off and train hard and I fucking love to climb!! Top-roping is a whole different side of the sport and I had a ball.
If I were the Ocean I'd be gorgeous blue and salty
heehee thanks for the comment lady. you rock 

Thanks for leaving some awesome comments on my set! Its always great to get love from ladies. Keep in touch <3