
You could have been all I wanted, but you weren't honest, now get in the ground.
Well, you're just as I presumed, a wolf in sheeps clothing, fucking up all I do.
Like Jesus...I'll drill through your hands.
With love and devotion, you'll die as you sleep.
Please make up your mind girl, before I hope you die!
I've bought way too much stuff here recently. It's not like I wont be able to make rent or any thing. Hehe. I've just been splurging. Any thing in moderation I guess, huh? Did I already write this in a recent journal?
Speaking of buying shit, when my credit card bill comes in, I'm paying that bitch off and I'm buying this. Finally, I'll be able to really get this music thing rolling. No more waiting to record at a friends house.
Hmmm...what an unusually positive entry from me. Hehe.
thats confetti. during out last song i threw a whole garbage bag of it all over the place.
Jokes, just jokes! please don't hurt me.