Last night, I had another fucked up dream. It was Halloween, and I was at the mall with some friends...then I was back home, and my teeth were falling out, but not in a conventional way. Instead of being rooted into my jaw, they were just thin eggshell like caps over my gums. Three fourths of one tooth had already come out, leaving this nasty sort of shell of a tooth. Eventually that gave way, and then a huge section of my bottom jaw's teeth came out. I lost most of my mollars on the left and a lot of the front teeth, too. I was devisated, and then my friends showed up.
Yeah. Weird fucking dream.
Yeah. Weird fucking dream.
Whoa. Losing teeth. Hmmm, if I was Freud.... I'd still have no idea what the hell that meant
I remember having this weird dream where like....ALL of my teeth just kinda popped out of my gums within like 30 seconds....I was at some arcade or something, playing video games....then it was like popcorn, will all my teeth just popping out.....weird ass dream