Instead of being upset and asking why, I like to refer to what CHRISTOPHER said:
I take one small solace in this: his death wasn't by the hand of some deranged drifter, or by age, or by drug overdose, or cancerous affliction. He died in his own time, in his own way. God knows that he could have survived us all.
God speed ya crazy bastard.
He was the total antithesis of every thing I am, but I've always admired how extreme the man was. Even if I don't agree with the methods for my personal life, we always need people like that. Some one to define the extreme so that the rest of us can safely live in the middle.
I loved his usage of words, though to be honest, I have really read very little of this. I've never read a book, though I have read some of his articles, read up on the man himself, and seen Fear and Loathing way too many times (one of the movies I know almost by heart, and as I understand from my brother, that movie is practically word for word with the book). I guess you could say, more than any thing else, I liked his presence. I liked what I knew about him (like his politics) even though I wasn't familiar with the thing he was most famous for.
I really need to read 'Songs of the Doomed'. My mom got me that for Christmas this year.