I need to do some thing. Last year I went to Canada (even though it turned out to be a very bad idea) and over the summer I went to Kentucky. Now I'm in the mood to do some thing again, but I don't have a clue what it could be. I don't have any extra cash for any thing like that right now, and with the fire and living at my dads not too far behind me, I think it's a little to soon to be taking time off work to go do some thing. But, like I said, I have no idea what I would do. I did those things to visit people, and I have no one to visit. I could go to Tiffin, but that's not much of a place to visit. It was living there that I enjoyed. And, I'd need some one to go with me. I couldn't just go up there and stay the night and leave. That would be uber pointless.
I still want to go to New England some day, and visit the areas that H.P. Lovecraft lived in. I want to soak up the 'vibe'. Hahahaha. I need to see the places that inspired this awesome writter to make such wonderful stories. But, this would take a lot more money and time than I have right now. I could do that alone, though, since the trip has a point. It wouldn't be some pointless visit like going to Tiffin.
In other news, my teeth hurt like hell. Hahaha. Fucking braces.
It's kind of a nice day out today. Wet, but it's stoped raining. It's kind of grey out. Overcast, but not dark. It's not too cold either, though it's a little too windy. I was out side walking to the Post Office. Thing's look really good right now. It's nice.
I still want to go to New England some day, and visit the areas that H.P. Lovecraft lived in. I want to soak up the 'vibe'. Hahahaha. I need to see the places that inspired this awesome writter to make such wonderful stories. But, this would take a lot more money and time than I have right now. I could do that alone, though, since the trip has a point. It wouldn't be some pointless visit like going to Tiffin.
In other news, my teeth hurt like hell. Hahaha. Fucking braces.
It's kind of a nice day out today. Wet, but it's stoped raining. It's kind of grey out. Overcast, but not dark. It's not too cold either, though it's a little too windy. I was out side walking to the Post Office. Thing's look really good right now. It's nice.
Braces suck, good luck with those. I always cut my mouth and tongue up on them
I'm planning on a trip to good Canadia this coming spring, and after that, wherever my flighty self wants to go, I shall go, whether I'm rich or penniless. I know I just want to get out of here and see places as soon as possible.