Had a very interesting dream last night that wolves were invading my apartment building. Then they came after me. This dream isn't far on the heels of another dream where I was being attacked by large, deformed foxes. Wonder what the fuck is up with this theme?
Other than that, same old. Still waiting on my Mistress CD, but SAW II comes out on DVD Tuesday, as does Mirrormask. Looking forward to that.
I just found an interesting pic of myself from before I shaved my head and my facial hair. I had totally forgot that I even looked like this for a while! Hahaha. Check it out. Sorta funny.
P.S. While trying to update my profile pic, that happened. Interesting.
Other than that, same old. Still waiting on my Mistress CD, but SAW II comes out on DVD Tuesday, as does Mirrormask. Looking forward to that.
I just found an interesting pic of myself from before I shaved my head and my facial hair. I had totally forgot that I even looked like this for a while! Hahaha. Check it out. Sorta funny.

P.S. While trying to update my profile pic, that happened. Interesting.
I've heard that Phil Anselmo gurgles bleech to clense his throat, which could explain a lot where Anselmo is concerned ha!