(Click the link, then scroll down and watch the video.)
Who in God's name needs 3 gift wrapping rooms? It's just too much. It's a very nice home, but no matter how much money you have, I think there's a point where you have to stop yourself, take a step back, and be satisfied with everything that you have. Why do people have to be so focused on money, how much they have, and then on spending it on inanely large homes and things of that sort, just to prove to people just how well-off they are? I think it's an incredibly classless thing to do, and way to go about living your life. How does this woman, and all other people like her, sleep at night, knowing how many people on this planet are starving, and living without shelter, in complete and utter poverty? Well, I imagine they don't think about these things too often, and sleep quite comfortably on their multi-thousand dollar bed sheets. I'm sure that when faced with such comments and questions as these, they find a way to justify their despicable behavior by mentioning how they donate a very tiny amount of their fortune to charities of their choosing every now and then, and even offer to make appearances at events for free sometimes. Wow! People getting a chance to see you for free?! That's amazing. I mean, because you're clearly such an amazing idol, with so much to teach the world, about how hard you slaved away for most of your life to accumulate such a vast fortune. Oh... wait....
.... I wonder if Candy Spelling holds special classes so that she can teach other women how to be gold digging tarts, as well. I feel very sorry for Tori, because, clearly, her mother is not the most wonderful person in the world, and she still has to call her mother, and grandmother to her children. Sad. Three gift wrapping rooms....
.... You've got to be fucking kidding me!
Who in God's name needs 3 gift wrapping rooms? It's just too much. It's a very nice home, but no matter how much money you have, I think there's a point where you have to stop yourself, take a step back, and be satisfied with everything that you have. Why do people have to be so focused on money, how much they have, and then on spending it on inanely large homes and things of that sort, just to prove to people just how well-off they are? I think it's an incredibly classless thing to do, and way to go about living your life. How does this woman, and all other people like her, sleep at night, knowing how many people on this planet are starving, and living without shelter, in complete and utter poverty? Well, I imagine they don't think about these things too often, and sleep quite comfortably on their multi-thousand dollar bed sheets. I'm sure that when faced with such comments and questions as these, they find a way to justify their despicable behavior by mentioning how they donate a very tiny amount of their fortune to charities of their choosing every now and then, and even offer to make appearances at events for free sometimes. Wow! People getting a chance to see you for free?! That's amazing. I mean, because you're clearly such an amazing idol, with so much to teach the world, about how hard you slaved away for most of your life to accumulate such a vast fortune. Oh... wait....

thank you for your comment on my set "Let love Be"