This seems to be getting around so I guess I will participate.
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Describe me in one word.
7. What was your first impression?
8. Do you still think that way about me now?
9. What reminds...
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1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Describe me in one word.
7. What was your first impression?
8. Do you still think that way about me now?
9. What reminds...
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The day soon approaches!!!
I am a very sad panda... I have been trying to win this ICED EARTH 'Dark Genesis' box set off of ebay and everytime i have lost to someone at the last minute. Someone needs to buy this for me and I will love them forever.

I need some advice people...
My girlfriend called me out of the blue today and told me that she had a gut feeling that I was either seeing another woman or will meet someone soon and leave her.
How do I assure her that I love her and only want to be with her when she doesn't trust ANYONE cuz she has been fucked over...
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My girlfriend called me out of the blue today and told me that she had a gut feeling that I was either seeing another woman or will meet someone soon and leave her.
How do I assure her that I love her and only want to be with her when she doesn't trust ANYONE cuz she has been fucked over...
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yeah it was at soma.... by the sd sports arena.... it was lots of fun!

BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME... goddamn that is some fine musicianship. They have more riffs on this album than IRON MAIDEN has made in their entire career.

well thats cool sweets cuz it takes a very good man to be a daddy anyone can be a father....

I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job.

ummmm.....try adding klsmoran
Scored some great CD's today...
ENSIFERUM "Ensiferum"
WINDIR "Likferd"
KATKLYSM "Serenity In Fire"
MAYHEM "Chimera"
All you metal heads need to check 'em out.
ENSIFERUM "Ensiferum"
WINDIR "Likferd"
KATKLYSM "Serenity In Fire"
MAYHEM "Chimera"
All you metal heads need to check 'em out.

where have you been.....i'm on aol all the time....i still love you though!!! no....getting drunk.....i have like half a glass to a glass of wine though

Ok, I forgot my membership was expired so I resigned up and I'm back.
hey hun,
Well the ticket is $300 thats what I paid for it and unless I sell it here I'll sell it for more just cuz I cant screw over my friend...
But I dont have any problem chargin others more...
As far as hanging out w/ your friend goes you can until the main stage open then you'll be in the pit and if gets to much you can always go to the lawn....But you'll have all acess to backstage aswell...1st and 2nd stage and the 2nd stage you get to sit back stage during the show....So its up to you...
Glad to see your back,
Well the ticket is $300 thats what I paid for it and unless I sell it here I'll sell it for more just cuz I cant screw over my friend...
But I dont have any problem chargin others more...

As far as hanging out w/ your friend goes you can until the main stage open then you'll be in the pit and if gets to much you can always go to the lawn....But you'll have all acess to backstage aswell...1st and 2nd stage and the 2nd stage you get to sit back stage during the show....So its up to you...
Glad to see your back,

Wow, that is very pricey indeed.
I can't afford that, so i will ahve to pass on this one. Sorry about that. maybe I'll see you on the way in, and then you'll break off over to the rich folk area.
Just kidding. That is alot of money though and it would be cool to meet alot of the bands. Oh, well.

Well I just fuckin' found out that I had typed my email address wrong in my profile so if anyone has tried writing me, I didn't get it. Well now it's fixed so write away, right away!
Ya I hope to see in corona...its ganna be murder
you know that the singer from all shall perish lives in victorville oh wait i already told you that
Well today is Mothers Day so I say "Happy Mothers Day" to all the mommies in the house. I tried to do some stuff for my mom but she didn't want anything so oh well i guess. I have a had a friggin murderous migrane all fuckin day and now I am gonna get some rest and hope that it leaves before I wake up...
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Today was a pretty cool day. I deposited my income tax return into my bank account and then went to work. The day flew by in a breeze and when I got off of work I went to get my oil changed in my truck. While that was going on I walked over to ticketmaster and purchased my ICED EARTH, CHILDREN OF BODOM, EVERGREY tickets...
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Well today was a better day. I found out that I am being transferred to a new location at work and will be making a little more money. It sucks that I am a security guard right now, but it is all very temporary. Wish me luck in getting something that I can actually enjoy.
I went to college and yet I still have a...
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I went to college and yet I still have a...
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I very rarely check my SG mail or respond, it's really nothing personal at all

No, I didn't figure it was. I am sure you are busy busy young lady. I totally understand time issues.