Roadtrips are a great thing, be safa and Godspeed, and all that! Love the pics and the art, can't wait for more! Maybe the theme could be the road.....Kerouac and the long as your in the pics the theme will be hot Peace Bill
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My kids just got on the bus for the first day of school!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you thank you to the genius that created school!!! Ok...I'll breathe..I'm just soooooooooooooooooooooooo glad they're gone! LOL! Is that bad? God I'm a horrible parent.
I abosolutely hate getting up early. School starts again soon and I have class at 8:10 am. The thing is, I live out in the middle of nowhere so I have to drive 30 mins to get there, everyday....twice on mondays! Damn the night photography class!LOL!
I may shoot a new set before I go back to school. Any ideas?
Well, people have been asking me for a few years if I'm an SG. My response has always been to laugh it off and reply, "Fuck no! I'm too fat and old to do that! LOL" One day, I decided, "Hell with it, I'm gonna try." I mean, what's the worst that could happen? I could get rejected... Read More
School starts again soon. What happens if I decide I don't wanna do it anymore? I originally wanted to pursure a MFA but now I don't want to even go anymore. God, I"m so damn fickle LOL
I felt that way, and stopped going, i wish I never had.....don't quit unless you want to take a rifle to class...its worth the aggravation and poverty!!
Holy hell! So, I've been trying to fix my problem with SG for the last month! Finally, thanks to the awesomeness of the people on the bugs board, I got it! Thank you!!!
Oh god...well I couldn't do anything to my profile and for the longest time it said I wasn't active. When my set went up, I barely got any comments cause people couldn't link to it correctly. It sucked.