Two weekends ago I got my hair done. It is nearly to the colour I am aiming for. Next visit should be perfect.
My boss's wife had their bub. Little boy called Lachlan, 8 pound and she did it all natural.
I don't have any photos. Didn't feel it was right taking any up at the hospital, I am sure I will have plenty of opportunity in the future.
It is school holidays, which means I got the week off from TAFE. I am loving it. Sucks that I have to go back next week. I do need to catch up on a few things this weekend before class is back on.
Work has moved to South Bank last weekend. I get to share an office with two other girls. It isn't too bad so far. I will see how it goes. Not a big fan of the Admin manager.
Had the first weigh in for the 12 week challenge last saturday. I didn't do too bad. I was dreading it, but turned out better than I though it would.
I visited my cousin on Sunday for her birthday. She has just had her bub a couple of weeks ago. So here are some photos of my god son.
That's been the last couple of weeks in my life.