I had my work Christmas party on Friday night. I had a good time, free drinks are great. I wasn't too bad the next day. At 25 I have found the drink that is always on the free list, and that I can drink a lot of and doesn't make me sick the next day. Vodka, Lime and Soda.
My night ended at midnight. And thank goodness I had a lift organised as the cab lines were fucking horrible.
I spent the rest of my weekend helping mum with her job. Which I am not sure if I will do that again any time soon. Well maybe I will, but I have to organise her from the start just not in the last two days to get the tickets out to clients.
Now for some photos.

My night ended at midnight. And thank goodness I had a lift organised as the cab lines were fucking horrible.
I spent the rest of my weekend helping mum with her job. Which I am not sure if I will do that again any time soon. Well maybe I will, but I have to organise her from the start just not in the last two days to get the tickets out to clients.
Now for some photos.
Jen and Me.
Jen, Tachana and Me.
Jen, Me, Tachana and Mona.
Front Row: Jen and Tachana. Back Row: Me, Will and Letitia.
Mona, Nhi, Jen and Me.
Jen and Me.
So the girls are: Tachana is my manager, Mona is the receptionist, Jen is an Admin Assistant who is taking over my role when I change teams next year. Nhi is an accountant. Letitia works at our Mt Gravatt office, and she did the rowing as well. Will is a Principal (which means he is line to become a partner in our firm). So there are some of the people I work with.
Oh, so is that where the masks on the oriental shelf came from?
I think they look lovely
I love masks so much, maybe they want to live on the wall or something, or a higher shelf? Did you make them?