Life is capital R-idiculous.
I had 5 finals in December DURING xmas family visiting and unpacking and painting and attempting to conserve small fractions of a social life; OH and meeting one of my favourite authors: Douglas Coupland!!!! He is amazing.
But in January, my GPA soared and I was asked to read my children's picture book manuscript at a writer's event; I also won an award for being the top-rated english student for 2009, officially declared my major, switched my minor (I realized how impossible French is), resolved to send off my manuscripts to as many publishers as possible during 2010, STILL working on my condo (which I've realized is going to be an endless work-in-progress), created a full DVD with menus and movie poster and credits and stuff for a filming of a play I was in (just some little project for a class last semester) in the non-existant spare time I delude myself into thinking I have (but I was 'God' in the play, so I thought I could handle it), and started hanging with a small group of lit-geeks, getting together once a week to watch historical films (fiction induced or not) and then spend the evening discussing their facts and flaws.
Now it's February. I have a few essays to write within the next 5 days or so, I am actually posting this while taking a break from one of them. The Olympics will be here in a week!!!! University is closed during the full two weeks so I get a chance to catch up on my hobbies (such as this place). I also bought a dress form recently, and will be trying my hand at making reproduction renaissance gowns with my lit-geek friends.
so. how is everyone?
I had 5 finals in December DURING xmas family visiting and unpacking and painting and attempting to conserve small fractions of a social life; OH and meeting one of my favourite authors: Douglas Coupland!!!! He is amazing.

But in January, my GPA soared and I was asked to read my children's picture book manuscript at a writer's event; I also won an award for being the top-rated english student for 2009, officially declared my major, switched my minor (I realized how impossible French is), resolved to send off my manuscripts to as many publishers as possible during 2010, STILL working on my condo (which I've realized is going to be an endless work-in-progress), created a full DVD with menus and movie poster and credits and stuff for a filming of a play I was in (just some little project for a class last semester) in the non-existant spare time I delude myself into thinking I have (but I was 'God' in the play, so I thought I could handle it), and started hanging with a small group of lit-geeks, getting together once a week to watch historical films (fiction induced or not) and then spend the evening discussing their facts and flaws.
Now it's February. I have a few essays to write within the next 5 days or so, I am actually posting this while taking a break from one of them. The Olympics will be here in a week!!!! University is closed during the full two weeks so I get a chance to catch up on my hobbies (such as this place). I also bought a dress form recently, and will be trying my hand at making reproduction renaissance gowns with my lit-geek friends.
so. how is everyone?
Welcome back!
Oh hello again.