I really do love my country....
Canadian Globe and Mail report on Zombie Threat
Pop quiz, hot shots: Do YOU have a zombie survival plan? If so, what is it?
My plan is to "happen to" be on my mum's boat at the time of outbreak, then pull anchor and move away from the shores along the pacific northwest with my mum, fiance, and sister. Live off fish, seaweed, crab. Water purification system for rainwater and saltwater when needed. May have to go ashore on a small SMALL island to gather dirt and wood (to make charcoal) for the purification system. Of course, this all rests on being on the boat. I've come to the realization that if I were to be home at the time, I'd be dead within days because I live in such a highly populated area in a crappy apartment building where most of the tenants look like zombies as it is.
Canadian Globe and Mail report on Zombie Threat
Pop quiz, hot shots: Do YOU have a zombie survival plan? If so, what is it?
My plan is to "happen to" be on my mum's boat at the time of outbreak, then pull anchor and move away from the shores along the pacific northwest with my mum, fiance, and sister. Live off fish, seaweed, crab. Water purification system for rainwater and saltwater when needed. May have to go ashore on a small SMALL island to gather dirt and wood (to make charcoal) for the purification system. Of course, this all rests on being on the boat. I've come to the realization that if I were to be home at the time, I'd be dead within days because I live in such a highly populated area in a crappy apartment building where most of the tenants look like zombies as it is.

Natural disaster is also pretty neat.
That is 100% pure awesome.