My boss sucks...He got a new computer a few months ago and the payroll program has been fucked up since he got for the last few months of last year the withholding on my paycheck has been screwed up...
Now, since the first of the year he hasn't payed me because he wants to get the program working so the tax witholding is working right for the whole year...he said today "I'll try to fix it tonight so I can get you a check tomorrow"...Its been FOUR FUCKING MONTHS!!! If you haven't gotten the thing working in that time, I'm not gonna hold my breath 'til I get payed...Call the damn Geek Squad already you cheap fucker...
fuck you...
Now, since the first of the year he hasn't payed me because he wants to get the program working so the tax witholding is working right for the whole year...he said today "I'll try to fix it tonight so I can get you a check tomorrow"...Its been FOUR FUCKING MONTHS!!! If you haven't gotten the thing working in that time, I'm not gonna hold my breath 'til I get payed...Call the damn Geek Squad already you cheap fucker...
fuck you...
and i would take up neo on his offer, after you get paid of course