Well, the friends i was supposed to be goin snowboardin with left for Courchavel yesterday without me..... BAAAAAH!!
Turns out i couldn't get the money together after all. It's just as well because i've had the most horrible food poisoning for the last three days which has left me dehydrated, in quite a lot of pain and in a real shite of a mood. I'd like to be able to blame it on one of Soho's fine eatery's but i can't because i wasn't workin at the weekend which means i poisoned myself, DOH! Anyway i've been holed up in bed sweating like a rapist and cursing myself for not having the energy to do anything productive on my Mac. So my life hasn't been that exciting since my last update, i caught up with the boys on friday and went on a bar crawl which obviously involved the obligatory rums * FOOTNOTE* and some Tapas (probably what fucked me up but i'm not sure cause i didn't feel bad till Monday, there is no clear evidence that the chorizo is to blame so why point the finger). Had three totally random coincidences that night as well but i won't bore you with them because they only make sense if you're me and it's not like they benefited me in anyway. Why does the universe bother constructing circumstance for entirely pointless coincidence : are they really pointless or am i missing the point? Hmmm worth some thought.
Untill next time my friends
* Dafunk's perfect rum : Dark rum, preferabbly cuban although Morgan Spice or Carribean Rum will do. Obviously large, over ice with a twist of fresh lime, then drop two segments of lime in and add a reserved amount of coke, finaly rub the rim of the glass with a segment of lime. AARRR
easter sunday 11th April
Ok so after a week of feeling like the devil himself has taken up residence in my stomach i'm starting to perk up. I've been on a rollercoaster ride of emotions and thought processes that invariably comes with the whole introspective thing when you've got too much time on your hands but i've come out the other side with quite a clear head. I was a bit rattled for a while there but i've remembered just what the hell i'm doing in London on a pitance of a wage...... i'm hear to make video!!!! Ta-Daaa! Yep, that's it plain and simplle. So what if i've had to make a few sacrifices, like having money, boozing it up every night and chasing girlies, snowboarding or owning a whole heap of material shit like iPods or new trainers - FUCK all that. My fervour is renewed, the fire has been re-kindled, and I WILL MAKE VIDEO!!!
So i had to go to the hospital on Friday for tests and the odd big-fuckoff needle in arm bit. It was all relativly painless considering it was Lewisham (expect : crackheads, abusive drunks, knifewounds, hasstle for having dreads off the resident rastafarrian dealers and glaring police men. - got all that but on a nice subdued level) that was until i was violated by the world's gayest doctor. I'm not being wildly homo-phobic or big headed but i could tell right away that he'd taken a shine to me. So after being prodded and probed for a bit i have to drop my strides so this young mincer can peer at my ass. i couldn't look him in the eye after that and i was left wondering if that was really nessecary. His mince jumped up a notch straight away, as if he was embarressed as well, like we'd shared a moment or something. Doc ; 'Do you pay for your prescriptions, do you work?', Me : 'Ummm, yeah?!' Doc ; 'Well i'm sure i can sort it out on this occassion if you don't tell anyone.'
I felt like a prostitute, but what the hey, no harm done and i'll be damned if i'm going to pay 7for some anti-bioatics that i'm not even going to take. If he'd winked at me though i swear i would have reported the fucker
Turns out i couldn't get the money together after all. It's just as well because i've had the most horrible food poisoning for the last three days which has left me dehydrated, in quite a lot of pain and in a real shite of a mood. I'd like to be able to blame it on one of Soho's fine eatery's but i can't because i wasn't workin at the weekend which means i poisoned myself, DOH! Anyway i've been holed up in bed sweating like a rapist and cursing myself for not having the energy to do anything productive on my Mac. So my life hasn't been that exciting since my last update, i caught up with the boys on friday and went on a bar crawl which obviously involved the obligatory rums * FOOTNOTE* and some Tapas (probably what fucked me up but i'm not sure cause i didn't feel bad till Monday, there is no clear evidence that the chorizo is to blame so why point the finger). Had three totally random coincidences that night as well but i won't bore you with them because they only make sense if you're me and it's not like they benefited me in anyway. Why does the universe bother constructing circumstance for entirely pointless coincidence : are they really pointless or am i missing the point? Hmmm worth some thought.
Untill next time my friends

* Dafunk's perfect rum : Dark rum, preferabbly cuban although Morgan Spice or Carribean Rum will do. Obviously large, over ice with a twist of fresh lime, then drop two segments of lime in and add a reserved amount of coke, finaly rub the rim of the glass with a segment of lime. AARRR

easter sunday 11th April
Ok so after a week of feeling like the devil himself has taken up residence in my stomach i'm starting to perk up. I've been on a rollercoaster ride of emotions and thought processes that invariably comes with the whole introspective thing when you've got too much time on your hands but i've come out the other side with quite a clear head. I was a bit rattled for a while there but i've remembered just what the hell i'm doing in London on a pitance of a wage...... i'm hear to make video!!!! Ta-Daaa! Yep, that's it plain and simplle. So what if i've had to make a few sacrifices, like having money, boozing it up every night and chasing girlies, snowboarding or owning a whole heap of material shit like iPods or new trainers - FUCK all that. My fervour is renewed, the fire has been re-kindled, and I WILL MAKE VIDEO!!!
So i had to go to the hospital on Friday for tests and the odd big-fuckoff needle in arm bit. It was all relativly painless considering it was Lewisham (expect : crackheads, abusive drunks, knifewounds, hasstle for having dreads off the resident rastafarrian dealers and glaring police men. - got all that but on a nice subdued level) that was until i was violated by the world's gayest doctor. I'm not being wildly homo-phobic or big headed but i could tell right away that he'd taken a shine to me. So after being prodded and probed for a bit i have to drop my strides so this young mincer can peer at my ass. i couldn't look him in the eye after that and i was left wondering if that was really nessecary. His mince jumped up a notch straight away, as if he was embarressed as well, like we'd shared a moment or something. Doc ; 'Do you pay for your prescriptions, do you work?', Me : 'Ummm, yeah?!' Doc ; 'Well i'm sure i can sort it out on this occassion if you don't tell anyone.'

I think I will give blood that's such a good idea and here I was thinking I was gonna have to push someone out of the path of a speedy double decker!