Work work work, it's all i fuckin do. Think London is turnin me into some sort of wrong'un as well. Went to some wanky bar after work on Friday and took offence to some ape doorman telling me he'd throw me out if i didn't calm down........... EH!!! i was only fuckin dancin, so i thought 'Right' i'll give you a fuckin reason and promptly got naked. After all that they didn't even so much as bat an eye lid. I was pointing at my cock and saying 'what do i have to do to get barred from this place?'. however in my drunken stupor i'd failed to notice that i was now dealing with a different doorman who obviously dealt with naked chaps all the time and didn't seem fazed at all...... bastard. They did ask me to leave though - which was to be expected i suppose
Appart from gettin naked i'm still workin on the Music video (start work on Siser Sisters video through work next week - woo!! more prof promo work Yeah!), still haven't ridden my bike in months, i'm currently NOT snowboarding with my friends in the Alps and still not getting laid........ BAAAHHH
Appart from gettin naked i'm still workin on the Music video (start work on Siser Sisters video through work next week - woo!! more prof promo work Yeah!), still haven't ridden my bike in months, i'm currently NOT snowboarding with my friends in the Alps and still not getting laid........ BAAAHHH

for a limited time of a few hours...available in my pics (pets folder)...4 images that i've been working on.
shhhh! they're top secret!
just read your post on Phoenix's more sensible thing to do was actually nab as many music cds and dvds as possible (as i can't afford real cds for a while, which is bad when you're a DJ!)
i'm off for a bounce around the dance floor while i'm in a good mood now...