What a difference a day makes! I'm actually getting somewhere at last. Looks like moving into new house in next two days after being homeless for six long drawn out and stressed weeks. Thank fuck, i was about to kill someone - most likely an estate agent. Only problem now is how to pay the rent and finding a fourth person but i'm sure this will sort itself out, got to take one thing at a time otherwise it gets out of hand and i start to fall apart.
The video is coming along nicely and looking sweet plus the director is keen to work with me again so who knows what it could lead to. Above all i'm fucking loving it and i'm buzzing from doing something creative for the first time since becoming a vagrant.
There's a few jobs pipeline that i'm applying for and something happened today that blew my fucking head off. I got a phone call totally out of the blue asking me if i was still looking for work from VTR which is a ballistic company and without pulling any punchs i'd be prepared to kill anyone or fuck anything to work with them. They are probably above all the company i'd work with over any other in Soho....... AAARRRWOOOGA!!!!!!!
So interview Thursday - yeay! A total bonus as well is that an ex girlfriend of mine has a sister thats a manager there!! So i'll be calling her tonight and getting her to lay it on thick that i've got the stuff.
Wow i can't believe my luck. it's so hard to get a job in this industry but i'm very confident in my abilties i just need someone to give me a break so that i can prove myself and start to get ahead.
Moving to London has been a massive gamble and not a day goes by without me shiting it badly but if it pays off then life will be gravydays.
Getting excited about the meet on Saturday and really looking forward to meeting all my new found friends
and drinking shed loads of rum of course
The video is coming along nicely and looking sweet plus the director is keen to work with me again so who knows what it could lead to. Above all i'm fucking loving it and i'm buzzing from doing something creative for the first time since becoming a vagrant.
There's a few jobs pipeline that i'm applying for and something happened today that blew my fucking head off. I got a phone call totally out of the blue asking me if i was still looking for work from VTR which is a ballistic company and without pulling any punchs i'd be prepared to kill anyone or fuck anything to work with them. They are probably above all the company i'd work with over any other in Soho....... AAARRRWOOOGA!!!!!!!
So interview Thursday - yeay! A total bonus as well is that an ex girlfriend of mine has a sister thats a manager there!! So i'll be calling her tonight and getting her to lay it on thick that i've got the stuff.
Wow i can't believe my luck. it's so hard to get a job in this industry but i'm very confident in my abilties i just need someone to give me a break so that i can prove myself and start to get ahead.
Moving to London has been a massive gamble and not a day goes by without me shiting it badly but if it pays off then life will be gravydays.

Getting excited about the meet on Saturday and really looking forward to meeting all my new found friends

and drinking shed loads of rum of course

Valentines was a bit like New Years - too hyped up and anti-climaxed. How have you been? The house sounds great - i could do with some of that dooby and vino of which you speak riiiight now!