OOoh, Just found the sg site today haven't had a chance to have a proper play yet but so far so good. Need some entertainment to distract me from Xmas.
Torn between festive chear and being pissed off at having to put everything on hold. I can't decide which i'd prefer, eat a mince pie or piss on it all.
I suppose I love it all really but I just resent the major hic up in my daily life, which is fucking hectic at the moment and could really do with sorting.
Fuck, this is my first journal entry and I'm moaning!
It's not all doom and gloom, looking forward to new years eve in da smoke, free tubes all night so looking forward to a whole plethora of dirty warehouse parties and a skin full of rum.... Woohoo!

OOoh, Just found the sg site today haven't had a chance to have a proper play yet but so far so good. Need some entertainment to distract me from Xmas.
Torn between festive chear and being pissed off at having to put everything on hold. I can't decide which i'd prefer, eat a mince pie or piss on it all.
I suppose I love it all really but I just resent the major hic up in my daily life, which is fucking hectic at the moment and could really do with sorting.
Fuck, this is my first journal entry and I'm moaning!
It's not all doom and gloom, looking forward to new years eve in da smoke, free tubes all night so looking forward to a whole plethora of dirty warehouse parties and a skin full of rum.... Woohoo!
when i forget something it doesnt come back till at least a week later, i'm way too burnt out. Flux is hot.. the other girls i just kind of bull shitted in there to take up space. peace

Are you joining UKSG group and coming along to our new years booze-athon?! You know you wanna!