So, this week homework from @missy and @rambo is 10 random thing about me, so here we go!
1: I am an avid reader. I read 50 books in three years and counting!
2: I'm a Game og Thrones fan!
3: I live by myself and im very proud of that.
4: I repeated 8th grade three times!
5: My grandma knows im an SG!
6: When i started to tattoo me, my dad didn't approve it, so i made my three first tattoos hidden from him! And he realized like an year later! and after all he has his firts tattoo two years ago.
7: I was raised Catholic but now im Hare Krishna by choise.
8: I have a cat named Daniel. The story is that my granpa, when i was little, used to have several cats named like that, but when he passed away my granma did not whan any cat in the house, so after many years, one day i found a little cat at the door of my house , i adopted him and named he Daniel.
9: The funny fact about my cat is that at first we thought that he was a SHE, and named he Daniela! But when we realized that Daniela was a male, we change the name!
10: I started to smoke weed in last June! And its awesome!
Hope you enjoy my random confessions!