Welllllll hellloo October! Love October, to bad all I'm doing is working.
I did get a break for a couple of days, went to my best friends wedding in PA on October 1st. Lovely wedding though it was freezing!! I'm in love with the Norway Spruce & other awesome evergreens in PA.
Need to carve some pumpkins soon!!
Don't you hate crazy roommates sometimes???????
Here's a couple teasers from my first ever set.... coming to a screen near you

I did get a break for a couple of days, went to my best friends wedding in PA on October 1st. Lovely wedding though it was freezing!! I'm in love with the Norway Spruce & other awesome evergreens in PA.
Need to carve some pumpkins soon!!
Don't you hate crazy roommates sometimes???????
Here's a couple teasers from my first ever set.... coming to a screen near you

Thanks lady. <3
Can't wait to see your set, I can tell it's going to be hot, hot, hot. Great name btw.