Man, I'm missing my husband, he's been gone for four days and he'll be gone from my touch for a total of five days! Bleh! He's up in Hagerstown, MD working at this tattoo shop called Old LineTattoo Gallery, looks like a nice shop set up. He likes it up there, says the people are real nice. I'll probably go up & check it out in August for a day or two. Driving up to Charlotte to see Perfect Circle on Tuesday & I get to pick up my husband at the Charlotte Airport. We will be checking into the hotel soon after and fucking! then go to the concert. I've been so lonely, coming home to an empty house day after day of dreary work. I think I may need a maine coon or maybe a corgi if this traveling continues, wish I could travel with him.

Haggerstowns not too bad of a place, haven't been up there for a while though.
That's unfunny. Lonely only gets better with good books.