Slow going on the back piece, did about an hour this past Sunday, our schedules clash so I'm not really able to get together with the guys doing my back right now. Well 1 hour at a time it will be done some day. Lol well my husband started a new piece on my upper left thigh of a jack-o-lantern lady, it's hot but only the line work. My job sucks, hate being on the phone for 40 hours a week but the perks are nice. I am going to PIT tomorrow to see my best friend of 16 years tomorrow, wish me luck flying standby. I should be in bed, have to get up at 5am, but I'm sitting here drinking a PBR typeing away. Me & my husband went to Cloudland State Park last Tuesday for a impromptu camping day trip, we hiked for 3.5 hours, I was soar for 3 days afterwards. Beautiful park though. Welll good news on the horizon, working with Lorelei 'hopefully' at the end of this month to work on my first hopeful set
Hooray! Super exited. Well off to bed <3
oh yeah the 3rd season of trueblood rocks thus far...
also Game of Thrones!!!!!

oh yeah the 3rd season of trueblood rocks thus far...
also Game of Thrones!!!!!
and YES Game of Thrones is amazing, have you read the book?