So I only slept about 5 hours last night. Getting harder to sleep with impending surgery looming over me
I went to Six Flags with my cousin today for about 4 hours. Was hella fun as always and the lines were short. Maybe not such a good idea to ride roller coasters the day before surgery, but hell it was fun and I probably have to wait like a month before I can go again. I am really tempted to take a sleeping pill tonight, but I always have a hard time getting out of bed the next morning and since I have to get up at 4am!!(ouch) I think I will skip it. Will post pics of my high freaky boobs as soon as I'm back to "reality". I can't wait til they are healed and D&F, so I can play with them!!!!

*hugs* take care!!! ice is your friend!!
i just got back from my 1 wk follow up and doc says that I have to chill for another week then i can start resuming normal activity. i hope that the puking doesn't set you back with an internal shake-up. keep me posted!! and you can always PM me with a pity party request, i'll totally oblige