current shit list:

1) microsoft
1) sony (tied for first place)
2) apple (for the damn ipod 8KHz firmware limitation for recording)
3) cell phones (lack of service and disconnected calls are my dilemma)
4) traffic
5) i'm sure there are more, but the fuel from microsoft is burning so thin right now i could explode.

in other news, blah blah. if anyone has an...
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kayaking, you say? come talk to us over here..bring your paddle..
kmx tastes like jd coolers.
the only thing that changes is my perception.
doo doo occurs.
poop is a palindrome.
em is a fucking letter, byaaaaatch.
eat me.

i want to have an atari party and blast asteroids on my bose.
sweet idea!!!!!
I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get on that show. I've been waiting nearly 21 years to do it.
"woke up depressed
i left for work
you have a good day
it's not your fault
i know it hurts

remember, i love you, love you
remember, i love you, love you
i love

woke up depressed
i left for work
you have a good day
it's not my fault
i know it hurts"

- soundgarden, "i awake", 1990

hey, i'm available. hire me. damnit.

you'd sell soul to the Devil for a Diet Coke

Fa, Em & Ef are NOT words.... frickin Scrabble cheater!
you are singing to the quire, bitch!!! tongue
oh yeah. i submitted a few of the heavier and better produced whore. tracks to the sg video thing:


*in best Kroatian accent i can muster...*

DEATH TO SMOOCHY isn't "film", is giant piece of shit !
watch it there, spandex boy... mad
i am jack's collapsing chest.

no soda today. one coffee drink: triple venti white chocolate mocha. 2 cigarettes. and yummy bagels.

motivation at work continues. tunnel vision allows clear focus.

had a dream last night that i was beginning a 3-year jail sentence, and that i was strangely okay with it. not sure what for or why, but it seemed reasonable at the time.

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yes, it is obvious, but just in case you forgot:

sony = EVIL whores.

screw sony!!!! i'm sending their crappy conglomerate corporate piece of unusable scrap metal back (otherwise known as the HiMD MZ-NH1) for a full freaking refund. you want portable recording power with simple and flexible digital transfer? try archos. let sony dig their own grave...


OMG. OMA. No file conversion. No...
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oozing fresh atrocity blindfold lyin' on the snitch smack the blue tooth chugger started panging on the score. yeah.

i miss the weather in l.a. it wouldn't fit in my suitcase. that city is the size of the state i live in. with fewer farm animals, so i'm not sure i could move there. baaaaa.

the whole experience out there last week was an extremely...
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where'd the motivatin go, man? huh man?

don't forget mamasay mamasah mamakoosah
coast to coast, god is rockin' in the hzowse, byaaaaaatch.
microsoft = evil conglomeration of money and power!

if you translate the words "product activation key" into swahili and rearrange the letters of the result, it reads: "bill gates likes to wrap himself naked in cellophane while laughing his way to the bank with your hard-earned mean green." I SWEAR.

so, uhm. poopy.

went to the curiosa festival on friday. expectations are a bitch. i...
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mogwai sucks? wow. eeek
...you and the girl at the concession stand must have really connected! It's funny how when they say "One $13 soft pretzel, comin' right up"... I hear: "I want you to fuck me RIGHT now on this counter covered in mustard and ketchup!!"
microsoft = evil conglomeration of money and power!

if you translate the words "product activation key" into swahili and rearrange the letters of the result, it reads: "bill gates likes to wrap himself naked in cellophane while laughing his way to the bank with your hard-earned mean green." I SWEAR.

so, uhm. poopy.

went to the curiosa festival on friday. expectations are a bitch. i...
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...and thus the "black hole of self" continues, after years on hiatus. once upon a time i had a blog that published out to my narcissistic [myname].com website, back when i was so very damned important. my fiancee at the time noted that it was a "black hole of self" and made fun of it regularly. she is probably still right, even as my ex-wife....
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energy drinks eh?? Ever try that No Fear stuff? mmmm that shit's grrrrrrrreat!!

hahaha @ "makes me happy/sad"

Death To Smoochy was the stupidest.... STOOOOOPIDEST movie in the history of something that was from a long time ago! and i didnt know you were a Bill Murray fan.

think think think