Have you every looked back at something you did in school, and thought to yourself "Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick, my teacher didn't get paid enough to put up with me..."
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Have you every looked back at something you did in school, and thought to yourself "Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick, my teacher didn't get paid enough to put up with me..."
Hey, let's give the snowshoes to the 76 year old who had a triple bypass this fall. He won't insist on making the trails, will he?
Of course, he was also mentioning that a battery powered drill isn't as good as the hand auger. The battery runs low quickly when drilling the harder maples.
This is the view from the kitchen window. You can see
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I've been wanting to get some piercings for a while, and I thought that getting my nipples done would be a good place to start. I checked the groups here to get an idea as to what I would be getting myself into with the procedure, and only really managed to find out that it would either be painful, painless, or somewhere in between those...
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