Go go fifth SG blog!
So I'll get the life shit out of the way. Been playing entirely too much fucking Rift. Like go friend me on Raptr (Guess what my username on there is, just guess
) and you will see how much of a life beyond gaming I have
Girlfriend is getting jealous, and rightly so. I suppose I should see her before our concert on Friday, but her class schedule makes it difficult to do it on any day other than Tuesday, which as we all know, is DA2 day >.> If only her antiquated, overzealous parents would let her stay over on nights other than ones where we have concerts, my birthday, and New Years -.- If their goal is to stop us from fucking well... news flash folks, people don't just fuck at night
Anyways back to Rift, joined a pretty cool guild. <Order of Cthulhu> over on Gnarlwood (eww pve server you say? Well I'm not so much of a masochist that I like being ganked for 30 levels straight, tyvm) They were pretty lame before I joined but I've shaped them up into something amazing.
We're a pretty solid group of people right now. I encourage anyone playing Rift right now to come join us.
Ok, boring ramblings on my life are done, let's get onto the topic of this blog. Dead Space 2 and why it is THE BEST (I'm taking an extreme stance here that's right) game to come out in 2011 so far. Even better than MvC3, fucking blasphemy I know. Why is it the best game out so far? It's not the scariest game I've ever played, it's not even as scary as the first. It's not the best action I've ever had in a survival horror game either. So why do I like it so much? BECAUSE IT FUCKING WORKS RIGHT. It has no bugs, no glitches (PARENTHETICAL ASIDE: NO BUGS OR GLITCHES THAT ARE "GAME BREAKING" AS IN ACTUALLY HURT THE GAME'S FUNCTION NOT AS IN WHAT SILLY PURISTS CONSIDER CHEATS TO BE), it doesn't freeze after hours of play. When was the last fucking time you played a blockbuster title without any of that shit occurring? I can't even fucking remember no matter how hard I try. ME2 deleted your fucking saves, AC: Brotherhood had glitched trophies AND basically corrupted your saves, don't even get me fucking started on New Vegas. So kudos to you Visceral, you are now in the top I dunno, 10 of my favorite developers because you make games that actually fucking work. Thank you. I forgive you for that piece of trash, Dante's Inferno.

Baby Necromorph approves.
So please, go out and give both Dead Space titles a shot. Visceral deserves your support. I am sick and tired of seeing companies and games get so many fucking accolades with a game that has the functionality of a steaming pile of horse shit (AHEM AC: Brotherhood). Dead Space 1 is like 20 bucks now, and Dead Space 2 gives you two full length games for the price of one (At least it did, all the first release limited editions might be gone now, but they came with Dead Space: Extraction, the Wii rail shooter). The first one is a masterpiece of horror and the second does a good job of fleshing out the main character and the universe, though it isn't as scary. Do yourself a favor and play hard on both, it makes the experience even scarier and is just plain necessary on Dead Space 2 because easy is just so easy you'll be yawning at the necromorphs.
Dead Space 2 is also awesome because of this:
So I'll get the life shit out of the way. Been playing entirely too much fucking Rift. Like go friend me on Raptr (Guess what my username on there is, just guess

Anyways back to Rift, joined a pretty cool guild. <Order of Cthulhu> over on Gnarlwood (eww pve server you say? Well I'm not so much of a masochist that I like being ganked for 30 levels straight, tyvm) They were pretty lame before I joined but I've shaped them up into something amazing.

Ok, boring ramblings on my life are done, let's get onto the topic of this blog. Dead Space 2 and why it is THE BEST (I'm taking an extreme stance here that's right) game to come out in 2011 so far. Even better than MvC3, fucking blasphemy I know. Why is it the best game out so far? It's not the scariest game I've ever played, it's not even as scary as the first. It's not the best action I've ever had in a survival horror game either. So why do I like it so much? BECAUSE IT FUCKING WORKS RIGHT. It has no bugs, no glitches (PARENTHETICAL ASIDE: NO BUGS OR GLITCHES THAT ARE "GAME BREAKING" AS IN ACTUALLY HURT THE GAME'S FUNCTION NOT AS IN WHAT SILLY PURISTS CONSIDER CHEATS TO BE), it doesn't freeze after hours of play. When was the last fucking time you played a blockbuster title without any of that shit occurring? I can't even fucking remember no matter how hard I try. ME2 deleted your fucking saves, AC: Brotherhood had glitched trophies AND basically corrupted your saves, don't even get me fucking started on New Vegas. So kudos to you Visceral, you are now in the top I dunno, 10 of my favorite developers because you make games that actually fucking work. Thank you. I forgive you for that piece of trash, Dante's Inferno.

Baby Necromorph approves.
So please, go out and give both Dead Space titles a shot. Visceral deserves your support. I am sick and tired of seeing companies and games get so many fucking accolades with a game that has the functionality of a steaming pile of horse shit (AHEM AC: Brotherhood). Dead Space 1 is like 20 bucks now, and Dead Space 2 gives you two full length games for the price of one (At least it did, all the first release limited editions might be gone now, but they came with Dead Space: Extraction, the Wii rail shooter). The first one is a masterpiece of horror and the second does a good job of fleshing out the main character and the universe, though it isn't as scary. Do yourself a favor and play hard on both, it makes the experience even scarier and is just plain necessary on Dead Space 2 because easy is just so easy you'll be yawning at the necromorphs.
Dead Space 2 is also awesome because of this:
LOLZ Good luck with that!