Drunk again. Nothing new. Work today sucked. Long day lots of stuff. Feet hurt. Tomorrow another longer day with lots of stupid bullshit. Monday ill be good. hopefylly xfering out soon. I have no more beer for breakfast/. this makes mes aid.
More Blogs
Friday May 28, 2004
Ugh. Half a fith and a few beers, and a nights sleep later. i feel ha… -
Thursday May 27, 2004
It's been a long time since I haven't felt like hurting people. It ki… -
Saturday May 15, 2004
Man I'm feelin alright. I got a new supervisor at work who treats us … -
Friday May 14, 2004
Charged 69 is one fuckin awesome band. I dont understand a word they … -
Friday May 14, 2004
I wouldn't call this a hang over. It's not a headache or a stomach ac… -
Thursday May 13, 2004
OK so im drinking again tonight. I seem to be drinking more lately. T… -
Sunday May 09, 2004
You know I realize i sound like some emo pussy. But then again I fee… -
Sunday May 09, 2004
Well it's mother's day so call yer mommies and tell her you love her.… -
Saturday May 08, 2004
I went to ron's party, Drunk to hell. Met with some skinheads and pun… -
Saturday May 08, 2004
Ok so things went great for a few days. We talked a lot. We got close…