So i've undertaken the project of wirting a history of myself. Earliest memories till present and filled with fun little ancedotes. The thing is that at this time there are about 2 people I would let read it.
To me this is funny. I am egotistical to put my kinda fucked up life into words, but then I hide it away. Why put it into words if i don't show it around? I already know my life and reliving somethings suck.
Who knows maybe I'll get a movie outta it someday.
To me this is funny. I am egotistical to put my kinda fucked up life into words, but then I hide it away. Why put it into words if i don't show it around? I already know my life and reliving somethings suck.
Who knows maybe I'll get a movie outta it someday.
my friend mel moved back to be with her parents when her twin sister jules died. you might remember this from my journal... but before that, she was in denton, TX. i never got to visit her there because i never had enough money to go home to KY and to texas, too. so i feel your pain... the weird part is i later met one of my very closest friends in new orleans, who went to undergraduate school in denton. her and mel hung out at alot of the same places. i always wonder if they knew each other, or saw each other... in a strange twist of fate, i am thinking very seriously about going to grad school in denton. small world, eh?
i just might try that aresol trick on the next one. I'll use caution though because the last time i got "trigger happy" on a bug, i ended up slipping in the bug spray i drenched it in and fucking up three toes. And as i was huddled on the floor in crap loads of pain, as well as crap loads of bug spray, i couldn't help but feel somewhat humbled as justice was just served to roaches everywhere!